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Wesley Petterson

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Everything posted by Wesley Petterson

  1. Never had this problem, i think it has something to do with a mod. When I use a (Stock) plane there is nothing wrong. But when I try to launch my own creation it just won't move. I'll try to post some pics or video.
  2. Oke i have a problem and I'm wondering if anyone knows the answer. Everytime i create a new plane/ssto or what ever, I have the problem that the plane is not moving. I use full thrust but no speed. I can retract the landing gear and the plane stays hovering. I think it might be a problem with a mod. Who can help me. thx Mod list: { "kind": "metapackage", "abstract": "A list of modules installed on the default KSP instance", "name": "installed-default", "license": "unknown", "version": "2017.", "identifier": "installed-default", "spec_version": "v1.6", "recommends": [ { "name": "ModuleManager" }, { "name": "Karbonite" }, { "name": "USI-Core" }, { "name": "KAS" }, { "name": "TweakScale" }, { "name": "NearFutureConstruction" }, { "name": "CommunityTechTree" }, { "name": "NearFuturePropulsion" }, { "name": "B9PartSwitch" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical" }, { "name": "RemoteTech" }, { "name": "SCANsat" }, { "name": "USI-LS" }, { "name": "B9" }, { "name": "B9-props" }, { "name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core" }, { "name": "B9AerospaceHX" }, { "name": "MarkIVSpaceplaneSystem" }, { "name": "ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads" }, { "name": "Trajectories" }, { "name": "UKS" }, { "name": "USI-EXP" }, { "name": "USI-FTT" }, { "name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch" }, { "name": "USITools" }, { "name": "CommunityResourcePack" }, { "name": "FirespitterCore" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical-Core" }, { "name": "CommunityCategoryKit" }, { "name": "SmokeScreen" }, { "name": "B9AnimationModules" }, { "name": "DeployableEngines" }, { "name": "NearFutureProps" }, { "name": "KIS" }, { "name": "Konstruction" }, { "name": "GroundConstruction-Core" }, { "name": "AT-Utils" }, { "name": "ConfigurableContainers-Core" }, { "name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core" }, { "name": "RoutineMissionManager" }, { "name": "HyperEdit" }, { "name": "MechJeb2" }, { "name": "MechJebForAll" }, { "name": "KerbalEngineerRedux" }, { "name": "QuantumStrutsContinued" }, { "name": "DMagicOrbitalScience" }, { "name": "ContractsWindowPlus" }, { "name": "OuterPlanetsMod" }, { "name": "ProgressParser" }, { "name": "ContractParser" }, { "name": "CommunityTerrainTexturePack" }, { "name": "Kopernicus" }, { "name": "ModularFlightIntegrator" }, { "name": "CustomBarnKit" }, { "name": "KerbalAlarmClock" }, { "name": "KWRocketryRedux" }, { "name": "KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr" }, { "name": "JanitorsCloset" }, { "name": "FuelWings" }, { "name": "ModularFuelTanks" }, { "name": "StageRecovery" }, { "name": "Toolbar" }, { "name": "CxAerospace" }, { "name": "RealChute" }, { "name": "OPTSpacePlaneMain" } ] }
  3. Finally after hours of searching I managed to resolve the problem. I used Unity 4.6.4 instead of the normal KSP.exe. But I used the x64 version, that was giving some weird problem with all the mods. Just installed everything again and used the x86 version of Unity, it works great now.
  4. I think it has something to do with RealismOverhaul. Beceause that installs RealFuels
  5. Hi, i'm new here but im having a problem. I'm running ksp 1.0.4 and I have a bunch of mods installed now I have the problem with the fuel. The fuel tanks are empty and i'm unable to change the tanks, or what so ever. http://imgur.com/S8JvbZ2 I read about changing something when using FS but i don't understand it. You stated to see original OP but can't find it what to change. MODS: KSP: 1.0.4 (Win64) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 8.1 (6.3.10586) 64bit Filter Extensions - 2.4.1 USI Tools - 0.6.2 Advanced Jet Engine - 2.4.1 B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40 Community Resource Pack - 0.4.9 Connected Living Space - Deadly Reentry - 7.2.2 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.0.8 Ferram Aerospace Research - Firespitter - 7.1.4 RasterPropMonitor - 0.23.2 KAS - 0.5.4 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.0.18 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4 HyperEdit - 1.4.2 KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5 Infernal Robots - 0.21.3 ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.1.1 Near Future Electrical - 0.5.3 PlanetShine - Procedural Parts - 1.1.7 QuickScroll - 1.3.2 RCS Build Aid - 0.7.5 RealChute - RealismOverhaul - 10.5 RealSolarSystem - 10.2 RemoteTech - 1.6.8 SCANsat - SolverEngines - 1.11 TextureReplacer - 2.4.5 TAC Life Support - TweakScale - 2.2.4 Karibou - 0.1.2
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