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Everything posted by Ozymandias_the_Goat

  1. It was hard for me to replicate a realistic Ares V and Ares I in KSP, so I went Mini! These adorable little rockets are more accurate representations of the Constellation rockets than I could do with Kerbodyne parts. First the Ares I: This one was the one I did after the Ares V, so it is a bit of a rush job with only a few pics. On the pad. It kept blowing up without fins, so I had to put them. My upper stage is an Flt-400 tank with an LV-45 "swivel" engine. The 2nd stage was really shaky, so I have no pic of it. Here is the mini Orion CSM pushing into orbit. It has roughly 2 km/s of Δv and can make it inot orbit from my Ares I with about 300 m/s of Δv. Now for the Ares V: Mini Ares V on the pad. Boasting 5.4 k/s of Δv without the KDS (Kerbin Departure Stage) it is not at all so "mini". During Gravity Turn with 80% throttle limiter. Otherwise, it blows itself apart at 100% throttle. SRBs gracefully fall away to safety, led by a thruster. The first stage continues burning headed towards space. Stage 2 in action. It has a probe core so it can take on a secondary mission, or deorbit. Releasing payload. It's a mini lunar lander and KDS as would have been used in real constellation missions. This lander, however, cannot hold any crew and is quite indeed a worthless piece of space junk. Good thing it can deorbit (or strike the Mun. SCIENCE!!)
  2. Nice. 9.4564785634782564357843856478258457239857493856457862357/10 That's real appreciation.
  3. The game is simple, identical to TedwinKnockman66's cities game in rules, but instead of a city you refer to a celestial body in the real universe. Each reply must begin with the last letter of the previous one. ex. 1. Earth 2. Hydra 3. Alpha Centauri I start: Mars
  4. And now Jeb is enjoying his tea and crumpets on his luxurious Dunan homestead, with a few other random kerbals to keep him company.
  5. The ringed planet Sarnus, from the outer planets mod, as seen from its Titan-inspired moon of Tekto.
  6. My Jeb is currently at home, probably eating crumpets with tea, awaiting a Duna transfer window.
  7. Indeed. PS the whole rocket was 317 tons fully fueled, so we may indeed need a much bigger rocket. MOAR BOOSTERS, anyone? Or we could use a bunch of smaller rockets to launch multiple components to orbit and dock them like CIVILIZED PEOPLE!
  8. Bar of Gold PS another possible answer would have been "Space Program", and that was also the first post in this thread.
  9. Continuing my little series on SLS, I have made a replica of the SLS 130 ton config and used it to launch a little space station, Skylab style ( ya know, let's load a station into the faring of a gigantic rocket! Totally!) On the Launchpad Shortly after liftoff Whoops! Too much pitch, not enough struts. Back to the VAB After MOAR STRUTS and a second good launch, v2.0 is flying, with the EUS (Exploration Upper Stage) in action during circularization maneuvers. The EUS presents itself for a closer look after separation of Station 1, shortly before it deorbits itself to avoid making space junk. The station in orbit now awaits its first crew. It was a bit of a rush job as I just wanted something to launch. It can launch stuff that's quite a good deal heavier than this, but the first stage was running a little slow, so I would use this design to send a light mission to a faraway target as the EUS had a ton of juice left in it.
  10. Athens PS there's a town in Iran called Kerman
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