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Everything posted by RzTen1

  1. I think I've found the issue with KER/MechJeb not displaying the correct Delta-V and thrust numbers. It appears according to the following posts that the thrust calculation changed in 1.0 to use maxFuelFlow: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/105996-ksp-10-isp-engine-values/ http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/4937 I've modified the code for the thermal nozzles as follows and I'm seeing expected values in KER again. This is for ThermalNozzleController.cs at line 847 and includes the entire first part of the if block (everything between the brackets): { //if (myAttachedReactor is IUpgradeableModule) { // IUpgradeableModule upmod = myAttachedReactor as IUpgradeableModule; // if (upmod.HasTechsRequiredToUpgrade()) { // attached_reactor_upgraded = true; // } //} _maxISP = (float)(Math.Sqrt((double)AttachedReactor.CoreTemperature) * (PluginHelper.IspCoreTempMult + IspTempMultOffset) * GetIspPropellantModifier()); //_minISP = _maxISP * 0.4f; //atmospherecurve.Add(0, _maxISP, 0, 0); //atmospherecurve.Add(1, _minISP, 0, 0); //thrust = (float)(AttachedReactor.MaximumPower * GetPowerThrustModifier() * GetHeatThrustModifier() / PluginHelper.GravityConstant / _maxISP); thrust = ((float)GetPowerThrustModifier() * (float)GetHeatThrustModifier() * AttachedReactor.MaximumThermalPower / _maxISP / PluginHelper.GravityConstant * (float)GetHeatExchangerThrustDivisor() * _thrustPropellantMultiplier); myAttachedEngine.maxFuelFlow = thrust / (PluginHelper.GravityConstant * _maxISP); myAttachedEngine.maxThrust = thrust; _minISP = _maxISP * ((thrust - maxPressureThresholdAtKerbinSurface) / thrust) * (float)GetHeatExchangerThrustDivisor(); atmospherecurve.Add(0, _maxISP, 0, 0); atmospherecurve.Add(1, _minISP, 0, 0); myAttachedEngine.atmosphereCurve = atmospherecurve; }
  2. Update on my issue with KSPI-E: It looks like they're still using the old thrust calculations and not setting maxFuelFlow correctly. I've added code to calculate it based off of the engine values and KER now matches exactly what I was expecting. I've dumped info in the KSPI-E thread for those interested: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/100190-105-ksp-interstellar-extended-169-25-02-2016-improved-realism-d-t-vista-propulsion/&do=findComment&comment=2457802
  3. KER shows the same values on the pad, but once the engine is started the values on the default vessel tab quickly climb to where I think they should actually be:TWR climbs to 4.4+ and Delta V increases by several thousand. MechJeb appears to show the correct Delta V for the engine, but the TWR is incorrect until that engine is fired. Screenshot: I can't seem to attach files directly to this post, so I've dumped the output log and vessel configs here: http://www.powercpu.net/ksp-testing/output_log.txt http://www.powercpu.net/ksp-testing/Untitled Space Craft.craft My current CKAN dump looks like this:
  4. Hi. I've noticed that when I used engines from the Interstellar mod the thrust values don't appear to be calculated correctly. The right click menu will display the correct values (ie: 2051kN with an ISP of 1605 at sea-level) but the Engineer display shows 213kN with an ISP of 710 at Kerbin 0km. It's also showing a TWR of 0.32 but the rocket will lift off the pad just fine. I've included a log dump from the verbose simulation button below: Is this an issue with Kerbal Engineer or should I post this on the KSPI-E thread? Thanks.
  5. @deimos-rast I'm think there are still differences between the two. I downloaded the latest version of DangIt from GIT and it's missing a number of failure modules that only seem to be present in Entropy: animate, generator, parachutes, smallpartsexploder, solar, and SRB. I can't find any of that code in any of the currently existing DangIt modules either.
  6. It looks like this broke when DangIT moved to version 0.6. I'm seeing a bunch of errors in the KSP.log: [EXC 21:18:26.034] ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () ContractConfigurator.ContractConfigurator+<GetAllTypes>d__2c`1[ContractConfigurator.ParameterFactory].MoveNext () Rethrow as Exception: Error loading types from assembly EntropyRealChute_KSP1.0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [EXC 21:18:26.043] ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () ContractConfigurator.ContractConfigurator+<GetAllTypes>d__2c`1[ContractConfigurator.ParameterFactory].MoveNext () Rethrow as Exception: Error loading types from assembly Entropy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null I've recompiled it on my own machine and everything seems to be working correctly... there are no errors in the log anymore at least. I had to change the KSPAssemblyDependency on DangIt from 0.5 to 0.6 and correct two type conversion problems (float vs double) that prevented it from compiling. Is there any chance of an official update?
  7. I've been looking at how other mods handle power draw under high time compression and it looks like both DMagic's Orbital Science and SCANSat drop power processing entirely when TimeWarp.CurrentRate is >= 15000. In any case, looking at FNModuleCryostat.cs' OnFixedUpdate function I see that time compression isn't considered when drawing from ElectricCharge so that unless the craft has giant battery banks the amount drawn will quickly exceed the maximum sortable power even if there's plenty of power under normal time. I created a craft that was mostly batteries with an ElectricCharge of 143800 to test with and the tank didn't boil even under maximum time compression. I think kicking out under high compression would fix this, but I'm not sure if there's a better way to do it. Please disregard the above section in regards to fuel cell's... I forgot they only recharge the batteries to 95%. Throwing a solar panel on there completed the charge.
  8. Hi, I'm currently going though a new play-though with SETI and Interstellar Extended and I've run into some weirdness... If I create a rocket with just a probe core, the X16 tank, and a CANDLE engine I've noticed that both the ElectricCharge and Power usage on the tank are maxed out and not dropping. If I remove the engine, ElectricCharge begins to drop as expected and when it's gone the tank starts to rapidly boil off. It does the same thing with the NERVA engine. Should the engine be providing power at all? I was under the impression I would also need a generator for the the reactor to generate anything. Also if I run the game under time compression everything seems to work normally (without power loss) until I hit the second to highest or highest speed settings, after which the tank will suddenly drop to 0 power and begin to boil. If I switch back to normal time the power gauge quickly returns to 100% power.
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