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Everything posted by max_creative

  1. Ok! My opinion: Nonononononononononononononononononononononononononono. We agreed a long time ago that we were going to have no mods. Then you can do it, but don't expect to ever see me on that server...
  2. Ultra Hardcore. Basically where everyone runs around killing everyone else. I really don't like PvP...
  3. If that happens we both should take the punishment. But Sparky and DarkOwl destroyed that TNT so everything should be fine.
  4. In my Inventory yes. In the ender chest no. I don't have one. Wait... @SparkyFox how do you know that? Did you do something to me? Did someone mess with my chests full of sand at paradise? I'm actually a little worried because you asked me that...
  5. My job: The not exiled person who is slightly crazy and is trying to make a huge self-sustaining base and farm everything you can possibly farm. Thank you? Yeah... I'm working on it... It's going to be 136x136x64 (I did the math wrong). @DarkOwl57 Owlantis is going to be a big base with 6x radial symmetry. I need a lot of light blue dye. I'm working on how to make a line at a 60 degree angle...
  6. Nope! You guys are giving me so many notifications... @DarkOwl57!
  7. #BlameZoo Zoo, if you're reading this know that I'm not trying to be mean to you. Oh. That makes sense... Hey guys? Is the Creative big enough to be a city?
  8. Yeah. Ok. Is the Creative big enough to be a city? Yeah... RA gave that TNT to me for mining. I'm probably not going to use it and if I don't I will destroy it in lava. Cool! If we do I'm just going to put up signs saying "visit the Creative!" ??? What does that mean? I think we shouldn't have given players access to creative mode in the first place... Bad things happened... I'm "that guy who likes redstone and is slightly crazy trying to build such a huge base." Lol.
  9. SNOWING!!!


    This is the best image I could get with an iPad camera and a desk lamp. :P

    SNOWING!!! YAY!!! 

    It's too bad that it all will have melted by tomorrow morning. The school is going to cover everything with as much salt as there was snow like they always do. :P I really wish I had a better camera so I could actually show you guys the snow and not just a mostly black image. :( 

    1. max_creative



      I GOT SLIGHTLY BETTER IMAGES (although you still can barely see anything)!!! 

      In the corner I accidentally have a reflection of my pillow. Blame the window. :( 

    2. ZentroCatson


      Cool, I'm glad you can enjoy a snowy christmas :) But it still hasn't snowed in Zurich... its really cold outside, but there just isn't any snow ;.;

    3. max_creative



  10. Guys? I know what that was. RA was in creative mode and he gave me a bunch of TNT for mining. So that's what that was. Please just leave that alone. It's not for blowing people's stuff up. I'm probably going to burn it (as items) and destroy it, but I'm not sure. Just don't do anything to it please.
  11. I bet someone's using that. If you found a big pile of TNT then you should be worried but in a chest is probably ok. For now. Either create my own or just fly around a skeleton head and a bow trying to distract people. Wouldn't it be Shulkers of the Outer End Islands instead of Pirates of the Caribbean? Oooooh! Nice name!
  12. WHO IS IT?! The floating one? The floating ship belongs to Ortho. I should build an end city ship to make it look like his castle is under attack... Yay! Sounds fun! It always seems like I jump and my Elytra don't activate and I end up going splat. I blame SMP lag and disableElytraMovementCheck. Sale on enchanted books, name tags, prismarine, and a bunch of other really good stuff coming soon! If you have any questions just ask me!
  13. "EH. ERM. TECHNCIALLY ERM.. NAH!" Well... Yeah... It's me... @Pine?
  14. Now you are killing my notifications... Hi... #OhHeyYouCopiedMySig! #DresIsTheBestPlanetEver #@SpaceplaneAddict?
  15. What? No. I'm not on. Totally not on. 404 Not Found. @KAL 9000? Edit: I got Ninja'd...
  16. Ok. MARK THE PORTAL!!! There. Done. Yes, Comic Sans in red text with three exclamation points and bold and italics was very necessary.
  17. I just got off. Today I forgot where the nether portal to the Creative is, experienced kinetic energy a few times, went splat a lot, and got nothing done...
  18. I wish I could, but because of the cold weather my Violin keeps getting out of tune!
  19. Yeah... I agree it's a horrible idea... I guess we just deal with it and hope nobody does it again...
  20. ??? Is 1i supposed to be a variable or something? Uh... Erm... 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=10? What just happened?
  21. Name it the Azuhcel arucso atneucnic y eteis! That translates to Dark owl fifty seven in Kerbal, which is backwards Spanish!
  22. Yeah... Why don't we just tell people to stop breaking stuff to annoy us and if we catch them then we will tell the operators? Or we could set a command block that gives anyone who steps in the lake mining fatigue? So then they just can't break it. Or we could redirect the railway to go around the lake.
  23. A command block set to always active with a command to check if the dirt is broken and if it is teleport the nearest player to the lake to a bedrock jail? I'm guessing it's the same person. Place observers in strategic places? Or I could just do this: Who is it? If you tell me it's ok. I promise I won't report you to any of the server operators! I won't get you in trouble (although if someone else does that's not my fault)!
  24. Banned for having an annoyingly low resolution on you avatar which makes it hard for me to use it in a giant pixel art to put in outside your window. Also banned because I can because I don't ban people on this thread that much.
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