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Everything posted by max_creative

  1. Facepalm I'm building my ocean base! Build yours out render distance so I can pretend you don't exist somewhere else please. A 4x4 vault door? Ok. Sure.
  2. Ok. Need any redstone creations? Sure. I need a big 150x150 ocean base that goes down from sea level to bedrock. (don't actually build this please). I already did. I'm also bored. I would have a random conversation on discord with you but the WiFi is soooooooooooo sloooooooooow...
  3. @KAL 9000! @DarkOwl57! @AlmostNASA! @ZentroCatson! @Dfthu! @Florid Monkey! @transitbiker! @RA3236! Everyone who plays on the KSP Minecraft server! Sparky needs hugs!
  4. /give @SparkyFox minecraft:hug 64 Sparky, you're amazing! You have spent so much time working on the Minecraft server for us and I hope you come back soon! You don't get one hug, you get 64 of them!
  5. It's fine. Actually it's really hilarious! I can't wait to build my building and have yours going through it! @Dfthu and @AlmostNASA? When you're done with creative mode and I'm done building can I show you my base? I say no creative mode to make it more fun...
  6. The only comics I read are ksp comics. You have no idea how many of your comic pages I have in photos...
  7. You just kinda start building and hope that people don't accidentally build on your area... Looks at everyone who has accidentally built something on my land. Sparky is... Not here currently. Ask... Uh... Wait, who was the temporary mailman? I'll come visit your house SOONTM.
  8. Ok. Who in the world is even try to mine underwater? Oh yeah... Oops. I'll go do something about that...
  9. I suggest you dye your internet blue with lapis or red with poppies. I have played too much Minecraft...
  10. There's a map. Somewhere. I'll post it on discord or something. Edit: Map that ocean monument that's really close to spawn is mine. I'm going there today to build my base there.
  11. Ok. Aww... You lost and I wanted you to freeze to death. Oh no... I must see it... Now... Guys? Where can I get a few double chests full of blue glass? (Don't ask).
  12. Ok. Definitely adding Mesa mining to my to-do list. Wait, what?
  13. THAT'S THE ONE I REALLY WANTED TO VISIT! I NEED CLAY! Warning: beware of dug up mesas all the way down to the stone level.
  14. According to the max_creative dictionary the word moar is only to be used for ksp or space related things. ... Just... ... How does the mob flushing system work? I could be that the mobs weren't spawning because the flushing system didn't turn off. I'm really confused right now. Tomorrow I have to finish Aorlando's 3x3 spiral door and then I'll take a look at it... Cool! It sounds like a really interesting design! So it uses detector rails and redstone torches to lock the hoppers?
  15. What if you just spun around and randomly decoupled them in Dres orbit? That would make things easier right? Plus, doing it randomly is the Kerbal way.
  16. What about 40 probes in one launch? It's not that hard (except on your computer).
  17. ... I'll take a look at it. No mob drops at all? I'm guessing that 1. There are lots of mobs somewhere else preventing it from spawning them, or 2. For some reason there are no valid spawning spaces in the farm for some reason. Yeeeeeeeeeeee! Just add more boosters furnaces!
  18. My reaction: @Kuzzter, now is a good time to get out the missiles and fuel tank cannons and other explosive stuff, right?
  19. I'm not THAT busy (I think). Building a toggleable hopper clock doesn't take very long. No, I'm not doing a tower. I'm doing three, maybe four. One is a cylinder with things winding around it. The other to look like rectangular prisms with some corners cut out of it. They have a 32x32 base. It's kinda hard to explain...
  20. Nothing. I just was a little confused about why there was a giant pile of spruce wood in the first place... I didn't get any work done on the mob farm. I spent 15 minutes digging a hole and 30 minutes trying to find 11 sanctuary lane. Tommorow I have to work on a 3x3 door for @AlmostNASA, I have to start @DarkOwl57's concavehexadecagonvoid, and continue digging my hole. Then I can work on mob farm... I really need to plan out when I'm building these things... *facepalm*
  21. Aww... Ducks like bread crumbs. Ducks are birds. Birds fly. Planes fly. Turkey are also birds. Emiko punched someone in one of your teaser images. Sooooo... You're saying that Emiko will be punching big turkey airplanes because humans taught her to do that on thanksgiving? XD
  22. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Wait... Where did you get player heads? ... What have you done? I think you should use that sign you have and say "only good things." right next to it.
  23. Ok. ... Good to know. You should have tried to caught it! Well, at least now we don't have to worry about giant floating fireball jellyfish attacking us while we're working in paradise...
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