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Everything posted by max_creative

  1. So... I made the vault... Ish. It's not finished right now... Also, @ZooNamedGames I'll build a trampoline for you next time I'm on.
  2. I'll just go get it from the chest and put it in a vault with a keycard reader or something.
  3. Sure. I might be on today. Might. If I am I'll put the redstone in a more secure location. Do you need wood? I can get you some if you want.
  4. Not completely finished yet. Sure. Give him 1/3, give me 1/3, and keep 1/3 for your powered rails. Ok.
  5. Ok... I wanted to make it look like a space tunnel. I think that it might not fit very well with the rest of the tunnel. I can make a model and show you in a few days. ARGH END OF TRIMESTER HOMEWORK!
  6. I don't know where you should put it. @ZentroCatson is learning redstone so I think I'm going to teach him and let him to do it. I guess I probably should build that automatic tree farm soon... Hey, I kinda want my own train station for my towers. Is it ok if I make my own station and connect it to the rest of the track?
  7. Observer = Sad/Bored Dispenser = Suprised Dropper = Happy YAY!!! Too bad it's going to be a few days before I can play Minecraft...
  8. Sure. I'm not going to be on for a few days anyway. Just don't mess up the world again! I'm going to make some of those with observers in 1.11! Except saying "can I have a hug?" and with no sword.
  9. The south Mesa is a little smaller, but is closer. Do you want me to teach you some redstone? Like a 4x4 door or a hidden storages or a rainbow disco beacon? Ok, maybe not that last one... I totally don't use mine as hidden buttons because when they move they momentarily go invisible. Totally.
  10. Ok. The soonest I can be on is in a few days because I have a lot of homework. When I get on I'll go work on the desert station. We need a line to the south Mesa. I think we should mine the south Mesa and leave the west Mesa untouched as a park or something. I really like how mesas look... Ok. I can build that for you. That's pretty easy.
  11. I KNOW!!! I now need to craft two stacks of observers and get a few shulker boxes for something... Don't ask. 1.11 IS SUCH AN AWESOME UPDATES!!!
  12. Well, it is dust... When I tried to use it the other day the lights weren't on and it tried to send me to the wrong place. Thanks for fixing it! I think we should have a sorter so minecarts with chests can be unloaded and don't get stuck in the system and you have to go into it and find them.
  13. Thanks! It's not that hard to put in a 2x2. Have the button activated by quasi-conductivity and have the wiring below the door instead of above it. I know! I looked around a little. What about an automatic sorting system instead of a bulk storage? With the items that haven't been sorted going into a horizontal silo at the end. No Discord. I know how it works but I don't know what each of the wires are because they are all cobblestone and they're all over the place.
  14. Also I was very careful to not break any redstone. I did have to break into the wall to try and take a look but I didn't break any redstone. Hey guys? I have a question. If I built a redstone bank for everyone would you use it? With keycard readers and vault doors and stuff.
  15. Sure. I'm going to make it sure awesome with sandstone and glass and everything! Where's should I build the station? @Fluburtur? I think something happened to paradise station. I tried to use it but it wasn't working. I took a look but I couldn't tell what happened. It was really dark and your redstone is a huge mess of wiring. @ZentroCatson I really like your piston house! It's a really cool looking modern house! I do have one question: why did you use a 1x2 door instead of a 3x3 door or something?
  16. So... Use RS nor latches and an automatic cart system using dispensers and cactus? Sure. And I'll add sequential lighting and a 4x4 piston door just for fun. Wait, are you the guy who built the paradise city station?
  17. Erm... *shoves language arts homework under ksp drawings* Yeah. I wasn't busy at all and I totally wasn't doing my homework while I was watching it. Totally. Don't look under those papers over there because nothing's there.
  18. So there isn't anything I can do to help you? Aw... Ok! I know how to make a really compact minecart station. Can I build one for the east desert station?
  19. I know I'm double posting, but I have a question: does anyone want to trade with me? I really need a diamond but I don't have time for mining right now. I also need slimeballs. I probably will have to pay in redstone blocks or something though. I have a lot of redstone stuff.
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