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Everything posted by tenvelden

  1. In SSTU, whenever you deploy a *2-piece clamshell* fairing I get heavy fps drops. With a 3 piece clamshell I get less significant fps drops, and with the non-clamshell no significant fps drops. Actually this has to do with how many *sections* I put on the fairing. And now that I've tested this with the stock fairing, I can say it is not SSTU's issue, but rather a squad issue. Well lesson learned: too many sections(not sides) on a fairing cause fps drops. Thanks for letting me blog this lol. I was trying build a rounded fairing ala Soyuz when I ran into this issue.
  2. Hey I think ven's stock revamp is messing with your RS-25 engine.
  3. I just noticed the Atlas V 3.81m tank has more fuel than the Delta IV 5m tank. That's crazy b/c the Delta IV tank is way bigger than the Atlas V's. Does Realism Overhaul take care of that? I'm not sure. --Just realized Atlas ran on kerosene and Delta on hydrogen. Also I think it would be stellar if engines had 2 nodes instead of the one, even if they don't have a shroud.
  4. So in KW the LFO service engine doesn't have a stock config so I just copied the monopropellent config and named it "KW2mengineSPSB.cfg" the monopropellent engine's name is KW2mengineSPS so yea quick fix. This didn't work going to keep at it. Ok so to get it to work I had to copy and rename the config and rename the engine inside the new config. Cheers. I'm just letting ya know that the LFO service engine in KW doesn't have a config as of right now (b/c it comes from KW community fixes). Maybe this will change with the new "redux" version of KW but so far no changes have been made AFAIK. Maybe I should have brought this up on github? idk how I would go about doing that so here it is.
  5. Best mod 10/10 I'm running a career with just KW parts. Is this redux different than the old KW + community fixes mods?
  6. Have you tested this on an RO install? Last time I had it all the parts were labelled non-RO and used liquid fuel/oxidizer
  7. I just noticed north and south are switched up on my navball and in game. This might be from some other mods clashing but has this happened to anyone else?
  8. Hey first of all great mod I think it's really well done. Now I'm sure this is common but I specifically can't make any procedural fairings connect to any fairing bases. What's going on?
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