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Everything posted by NemesisBosseret

  1. Hopefully that works https://www.dropbox.com/s/hzzexd8up4skh8i/20160619_144002.jpg?dl=0 Just in case that link didn't work
  2. @Nhawks17 Awsome it works great! And looks beautiful! Got one minor issue but I'm not sure what is causing it. I've got a black hole on Jool lol. It's where the jupiter super storm look alike is at. It could of been there before and now Jool is finally rotated around to where I can now see it, or maybe a tracking station glitch. Everything else tho works great! If I take a screen shot of it with my phone how can I upload this to the form so you can see it? If I have to I'll email it you.
  3. @Jacke. Bro I was actually trying to do that. But I can't find the stupid pm button lol. So I tried to fully explain everything and trying to be respectful to everyone
  4. @Nhawks17 please don't explode bro, I love the work you did. I know that 99.9999999% of all issues with mods is the users fault not the mod makers. I think I did try a run without the eve configs tho and still didn't work as odd as that may be. I'll try again just for excrementss and giggles and if it works awsome but if not well I got a working work around.... I'm pretty good (unlucky)at finding bugs that no one has created and won't create be because the stars aligned perfectly for me.... this actually happened to me with fallout 4 lol and I yelled at the game developer and told them quit updating ur excrements u keep breaking my modified game lol because there was no way to turn off updates thru steam and no prior version to go back to. I spent over a week doing manual code into the game to fix what there update did... I got to play for 3 hours , go to bed, wake up and new update just killed over 1 full 24 hours of game play destroyed half of my saved games.... totally was liquided off because I still to this day haven't finished that game yet.... this is no where even close to that bro. Keep up the good work, we really appreciate it
  5. Totally agree with ya bro, I do take it slow but and even at slow I ended up partially breaking the game. Unity 5 did a number on these poor mod makers man. Reminds me of the Alpha testing I do for game developers and big coding issues they get. I think I did use JSGME at one point then I used Ckan.... which btw is totally friken useless now... want to talk about totally broken non functioning software, there ya go lol.... some swear by it, me being a guy who played realism overhaul... it's useless.. if u screw up any part of the load list or update list at any point, Ckan fries itself out and you have to restart , delete all Ckan files, all downloads and start from scratch again, if not it will say mods are installed when the game data is literally empty and you can't remove mods once the glitch happens even if you reload ckan.... the maker of that really needs to fix it because in its current state it is very sadly broken. I've tried alot of different things and attempts with getting it to work but way to frustrating, hell it even fails at downloading the most up to date versions even if it detects them of it fails in download... and then the odd ball failure because mod is already installed but it's a fresh install of ksp... sad mess. The real overwhelmed part is when you get a solid mod list, tested, works fine, go into career mode, play for two weeks.... all of a sudden excrements stops working but nothing has changed. One part at one givin point in one givin set in time fails to work and causes saved game destroying crash... when that happens that totally sucks... happened to me with an Antena part with remote Tech.... worked fine.... then all of a sudden part refuses to work with remote tech... got connection, in range, only Antena on the probe and used same Antena to put probe in orbit to await transfer window, has power etc... but fails connection to ground station directly below it... talk about losing ur excrements man lol... I might of broken a $100 keyboard over that one lol
  6. Lol bro, If you look at my other post, I said I totally broke it and I know I'm a jack ass for loading so many mods but screw my broken madness I'm going to make it work... well maybe I didn't say all that but it's what I ment. I have no intention of telling Nhawks to fix my crazy build of mods I was just openly asking if there is a known issue with my mod list because I did the instructions... didnt work, I did just eve config. Didn't work, I did a bunch of crazy madness and ironically the directions Nhawks said don't do, I decided screw it what's the worst that can happen and DING DING DING lol it friken worked lol... btw yes it does take a century and a half to find a broken bad apple. Especially when you got it all crazy like mine is, litterally my ksp load times are upwards of 20 to 30 minutes for the game to just load to the start screen. At one point I found the high memory limit of 64 bit lol. Yes it exsist lol yes I found it. I've subsidized a spare Terabyte harddrive as extra ram... and yep I hit that limit horribly lol. It's at around 6 planet packs, was running astronomers visual pack, and about 28,000 modual manager patches the game came to a screeching stop in load... I tried different combinations etc but nada I had to lower my part count loading into the game I maxed out what unity 4 could handle, I haven't gotten that brave with unity 5 yet tho lol
  7. Lol thank you Nhawks. I will try what you said but I've got a feeling that my computer might explode or remedy the problem because I'm pretty sure I already tried that one. Wasn't trying to sound like a smart ass. More or less I'm using my phone to comment on here and trying to copy and paste a log file or screen shot to then form is kinda a pain in the ass. And ya I know modding doesn't work like that, but definitely wish it did. Being modular on the mod files would make it way easier but I'm guessing there is limitations with the games base software to do this. For example Scenic mods for clouds and textures broken down by planet. Shared assets in shared folder Part mods in one general folder with sub folders for each broken down once more by individual parts. So on and so forth, as a mod user this would help us systematically figure out what's failing to load in the load screen, so many times I get failed loads or it gets stuck on some screwy file and freezes permanently in load screen leaving me to guess what it was... for example OPT is doing this and I cant find which Part is causing it. Other mods conflict with an individual part which would make it easy just to delete the part except they are in one fat general file... meaning lose it all or lose the other... big bummer if we really like the mod.
  8. Also sorry for any frustration most of my gaming is done at night, it's currently 3 am here and I've been up since 5am yesterday. Before I went on this endeavor of trying to get a new mod pack set up to work I was trying to get RSS/RO/RP-0 to work properly for almost two weeks and gave up and I've done multiple total wipes of the game and fresh installs. This is just one of multiple conflicts I'm trying to resolve with this new build of ksp, one is OPT causes game to not load, Fasa is simply broken with its landing gear and lander legs, interstellar/endurance mod is broken, tried using the big Y expanded rocket pack with 7.5 parts and experienced full game crash with zero log files. Typically it's always one bad egg causing the issues when I go for these giant mod sets then process of elimination to get the game working, takes upwards of 8 to 10 hours , typical game load times is upwards of 20 minutes. But right now I've got a few conflicting bad apples and have to go thru one at a time a play with it till I find the culprits. I wish the mod makers would try similar crazy builds or would upload there lists of sets they use so we could get it all working together and make this much easier
  9. Jacke I know how to install mods and I understand how the game files work. The problem if you read everything I said lies in the config files from the mod conflicting with another mod. I could potentially fix the double clouds but to do so I would have to remove eve textures , but in doing this I would remove clouds from the conflicting mod. I could possibly write up a new config file that could correct this issue but that would take hours of work to do and I work too much to dedicate that much time into a game I play for fun. Plus I'd have to go relearn modding over night when I used to do it myself for games like morrwind where you actually had to know programming and not just how to use an editor or modding tools. Me uploading a log file only really happens and shows the issue if the game crashes which it has not. Which would indicate to the developer everything is working fine, when in reality it's not, hence screen shots... which in this case are pointless, you would Just see a bald kerbin with no clouds , no texture changes, like I was running the stock game, but on the night side of the planet you would see city lights. To nhawks17, issue is centered around a planet pack adding clouds in config trying to draw from Eve thru bolder co file path conflicts with ur mod using eve config. I'm guessing both are trying to pull textures or possibly just the planet pack is over riding ur mod and drawing from eve textures with nothing present in there hence bald planets, but city lights are still loading. I'm trying to find the correct config so I can either custom ur config to add in the planets added by the mod and the file paths so I can place the proper clouds on the proper planets drawing from the proper source If there is some more voodoo magic involved please let me know, if I get something working right, I'll send you the modified config, or I'll just give up and go with double kerbin clouds lol
  10. Lol op ? Over powered? Operating proceedure? Btw the lander doesn't maneuver on kerbin, I just tested that... you really don't need a craft file I just slapped in the engines like they are supposed to go, I've used ur mod before, awsome mod... I'm trying to sort it out, I might of found a weird conflict bug but I'm trying to figure out how I can log this so you can see it
  11. +JPLREPO lol if I could I would send you video showing you this epic failure lol. How do I send you the log, is there some way I could video record this, this is worse than jacksepticeye trying to make a space planew, it's hilarious but just totally not working lol If I could I'd upload screen shots from my phone lol. There is a little bugs with the landing legs but I'm competent enough of a pilot to make it work, but they like to sink into the ground a tiny bit
  12. Lol nope. Definitely something else, because I tried that. Intake air totally stops on left side, causing engine cut out on Manuel. I figured that out after I tried what u said first. Weirdest thing ever because the little dingy shuttle works fine. But a bug I'm also experiencing Is on craft load, engine start without pressing space bar... I've tried a few other things but the craft engines will start the second the game fully loads in. So on Ranger, it's ur vtol engine, on the shuttle it's ur main engines.... it's got me kinda urched because this is friken awsome but I can't figure it out.... is there known mod conflicts so far in 1.1.2 because I'm pretty sure that's what's going on or the craft files are broken for me
  13. Problem solved. Doing exactly what your install instructions tell me not to do. Logs are simple, no clouds using the install instructions, you have to have eve installed. Something with ur mod, conflicts with above listed mods, but if you do full install of eve not just configuration files then clouds appear. The only issue I have now is I've got both cloud packs loading. So I got double the clouds coverage, it's a vast improvement and much more eyeball appeasing than a bald planet with minor city lights, no city detail during the day. My guess is one of the planet packs with atmosphere added in with clouds for them, ie the mod adding the valentine star and planets, Is causing the conflict. Sorry if that's not the exact data you need to recreate the issue , but I'm pretty certain that is exactly what it is
  14. Grrrrrrr..... No clouds no matter what i do...... about to do total fresh install of game, if anyone reading this thread has any other ideas please let me know
  15. ive got a bigger issue. Ive got nothing but city lights, Running several mods, game loads ive got multiple glitches im trying to work thru and one that is driving me the most insane is clouds not working, going to attempt just EVE/bolder Co mod. I did the install correctly the first time same result of nothing, figured maybe missing config files from EVE tried that and then read read me, cleared Game Data attempted again, same result..... could this be a lingering issue because i used to have RVE/RSS/RP-0 installed? List of mods installed KSP: 1.1.2 (Win64) - Unity: 5.2.4f1 - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit Toolbar - 1.7.12 B9 Part Switch - 1.4.1 CactEye 2 - Chatterer - Community Resource Pack - 0.5.2 Connected Living Space - 1.2.1 Contract Configurator - 1.11.3 Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor - 1.4.3 CC-CP-SCANSat - Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - 3.2.2 Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 2.0.2 Contract Pack: Unmanned Contracts - 0.3.20 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.3 Endurance Continued - 1.1 Engine Lighting - 1.4.3 Firespitter - 7.1.5 Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.0.7 JSIAdvTransparentPods - 0.1.6 RasterPropMonitor - 0.26 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.8 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.1 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.7 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.11 KSP-AVC Plugin - KWRocketryRedux - 3.0.2 Infernal Robots - 2.0.4 MarkIVSystem - 0.2.2 ORIGAMI Antennas - 0.9.5 Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.3 NearFutureConstruction - 0.6.3 NearFutureElectrical - 0.7.4 NearFuturePropulsion - 0.7.2 NearFutureSolar - 0.6.1 NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.5 Final Frontier - Outer Planets Mod - 2.0 PartCommander - 1.1.1 Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.0.10 PlanetShine - 0.2.5 RealChute - RemoteTech - 1.7 SETI-RemoteTechConfig - 1.0.8 SCANsat - SETI-Contracts - SETI-CommunityTechTree - Sigma Binary - 1.5.2 Spacetux - SpaceY Expanded - 1.1.9 SpaceY Lifters - 1.12.2 StageRecovery - 1.6.4 StationPartsExpansion - 0.4 TarsierSpaceTechnology - 6.1 TextureReplacer - 2.4.13 ThrottleControlledAvionics - 3.1 Trajectories - 1.6 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.6.1 Transfer Window Planner - 1.5 TweakScale - 2.2.12 Universal Storage - KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.8.28 WildBlueTools - 1.2.9 Buffalo - 0.2.12 Pathfinder - 0.9.16 [x] Science! - 4.18
  16. ummmm i broke it........ the little dingy shuttle launches.... can hit the ground at 200m/s and not explode... but the ranger....... lol its broken bro. cant turn off VTOL mode until air born, lol then at rougly 5k or lower or maybe its speed related i get a engine flame out on one side and go into death spin.... Glitchy as all hell, if u want pics ill upload. if any mods conflict with this mod please let me know or ill upload my mod list as well to find culprits
  17. So I'm curious if the RVE mod with clouds, city skins etc has been fixed for Rss yet? Or the real launch towers? And does engine lights work with rss because night launches are extremely dark... I've tried the work around but I've got a weird graphics error only made worse with scatter. When you get to sub orbit you get a very large weird band of blank graphic.. probably wrong place to ask but you guys are definitely the experts on this level of ksp game play
  18. How did you resolve the clipping issue? Because mine was just a simple sounding rocket that caused the issue, nose cone, 0.300m procedural fuel tank, 3 basic fins one click of the button to the right to give me a spin on launch so it would be spin stabilized. One areobee engine on bottom of procedural thrust plate that gives u different nodes for different numbers of engines u can mount. I went into sandbox and tested several other pre built rockets, they worked fine. Just any sounding rocket I made with procedural parts didn't work if I was using tweak scale
  19. Me and several others had a conflict with far and tweak scale where for exp I would launch my rocket and it would travel 1 to 2 M off the launch pad and completely stop. Burn out and just sit suspended in air, before launch the rocket would slowly creep it's way up in the launch clamps... I removed tweak scale problem resolved, but with rss/ro/rp0 ur mod is very much needed for the advanced rocketry because every 0.01 ton matters
  20. Tested engine burn times etc, don't know what I was doing wrong, started new career, built rocket, did simulation, hit 149km on first launch lol
  21. That's totally awsome. Thank you for the awsome mod btw. Can't wait for that to be done.
  22. Lol well... To the guy having issues installing with ckan.... ur not alone with ckan failing.... I just totally broke ckan completely lol. As to me getting actual data on my engines failing due to vapor in feed lines attempting tests now if ksp loads thru my butchery of mods placed into the game.... 68 total. My last attempt that killed my computer was 82
  23. got interesting question that might have been asked but just in case not, Is this RSS/RO/RP0 compatible? For thoughts of us who wish to be sick in the head and do this in a real solar system... just wondering
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