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Everything posted by NemesisBosseret

  1. Got an issue.. got tracking station to lvl 2 but it wont unlock the observatory. is there a debug to unlock it?
  2. I havent been in front of my computer in a few days when i get a chance ill upload them.
  3. with OPT i believe there was duplicate craft files creating a Fatal fault and BD i think something was missing or just not working right with it where tweak scale just didn't support. sorry im sleep deprived.
  4. That makes sense. should i just wait for 1.8.0 updates on mods? because im trying to get a decent mod list to work for another playthru because i havent played KSP in awhile. trying to find a good mod list that will work with SVE with remote tech and a few planet packs. sorry btw i accidently reported ur post instead of quoting it. its been a long time since i used this form. admins already corrected it.
  5. i currently cant get to it where im at. But i will eventually some time this week was just wondering if there is any known issues or am i just a bone head and doing something wrong. i followed the warning it was giving me and i did see the error log so i removed the trouble some mod. the other mod BD apollo one just said that tweak wasnt supporting it.
  6. This is probably already addressed but incase it hasnt. getting a FATAL error from OPT and multiple errors from Blue dog/ apollo mod in 1.6.1 also having stability issues where it crashes.
  7. Having Tweak-scale issues in 1.6.1 and some stability issues. BD flags 8 or 9 times as not being supported.
  8. Just came back to the game after a long break and im having issues getting things to work. OPT causes a Fatal error with tweakscale and not sure why. it used to work. currently using 1.6.1 for compatibility with most other mods.
  9. @Papa_Joe im guessing that is exactly my issue but cant find the gui to disable it lol i took a break from ksp due to this function
  10. My crew wont transfer. I get the gui but they do nothing... Ugh lol
  11. @Angel-125 do you got a wiki or instructions on how to use for this mod? Lol i stepped away from ksp back when you where just starting this mod..... Lol now im lost
  12. Not trying to bug ya but ive been away from ksp for awhile. I just came back recently and got sve and all the fun mods up and working and noticed the lack of clouds in opm... So i started form diving today for them... Any chance that you need test dumies to test an updated patch for ur overhaul? I miss the pretty effects so if you need any help ill do what i can
  13. @cyberpunkdreams @Nathair @doktorstick check RT guides and tutorial page. On there there is one probe core that can act like a command station, command stations are also explained a bit more.
  14. I object ur objection and second object ur request for a longer runway lol. Thats what SRB's are for. And if ur using that big of a plane.... Use the grass lol
  15. Need help. How do i remove the persistent rotation menu from my screen. Its kinda annoying i cant get rid of it and ive now got two of them. I just want the mod to run dont need the on screen pop up
  16. I dunno i might not have it that bad. Doesnt the save break only occure to vessiles in flight? Or will it corrupt the entire save due to the tech tree? Because if its just a *in flight break i could save game edit or remove the few craft ive got up. Secondly how much have the configs been touched since the tech tree rebalance? Across how many modules? Im not afraid of config editing lol its what i do
  17. @Galileo Two questions. 1. Minmus clouds..... Can i get eve minmus clouds work with sve. 2. The teko opm clouds mod... Will it work? sorry if this has already been answered or done i dont see it in tracking station and forgot eve had it but not sure if svt did. Do Not want basic eve because ur pack is alot better.
  18. I believe you got two options but someone correct me if im wrong. A command ship in orbit acting as a communications station with X amount of crew on board..... Or.... Plan ur decent via maniuver nodes and the RT flight computer like NASA does in real life and pray it works. There is mods out there that could automate ur landing like mcjeb and landertron. Suggest you check them out.
  19. Which versions on github dont mess with the tech tree? Or is there a way to apply an update but maintain ur tech tree?
  20. I havent used kerbalism yet, currently using tac life support in my current play through. Would be interested in checking it out tho since it uses radiation shielding as well. I used to work on submarines its how i know so much about said topics lol
  21. lol o god i found the kraken.. Dont know if its kopernicus or one of the other 140 ish mods i got.... But really really wonky kerbals on physics load when they come into view around ksc for missions ie drive tour bus. They load at approx 100m. Hit ground and do some gumby bending before they explode. On revert launch they bounce but dont explode lol
  22. @Yamori Yuki tracking dishes :rgr Planetary comms: RF propegation. Its the same planet side as it is in space. It reacts the same. Degregation occures with higher freq always. Even in space going thru solar flares out side our solar system solar flares etc. Any high ionozation even traveling from million of light years away will cause it.... Space actually has alot more of it than planet side, planet side you get cases of RF ducting(RF traveling hundreds if not thosands of miles and accurately picking up signals or over the horizon radar). But thats an entirely different ball park of science phenomenon that ill save for a later date. Data rate for HF just depends on ur code ur using. Fast algorithms with pre built in instructions you can transmit heaps of information in seconds. A very primitive version of this can be found. Just look up Q and Z signais. 3 letter codes aka the international radiomen language http://dcasler.com/ham-radio/acp-131b-q-signals-and-z-signals/ or you can also read annex k. (annex kilo) but be forewarned you might end up quiting ksp and get sucked into a book for the next year or two Apollo missions: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_frequency the S band also known as UHF/SHF Boundary band. .. Funny thing Is that S band freq used by apollo is just high UHF. not really S band , s band is more or less some crack pots idea of a junk freq range with zero satilitie communications experiance .... UHF covers all the way to 3 gigs and its why i hate these civilian bands you keep stating..... There retarded. Please use actual frequencies numbers not the civi letter code its garbage or Use nato bands like anyone who actually knows communications. Is going to use. Its less confusing just like metric is less confusing than imperial... I know its how they teach you in school... But its wrong. Its also why nasa hired a few guys like me over the years with real experience with this stuff to help with there communication issue.... Galileo: people like me refined the gain to pick up the omni antenna signal earth side and fine tuned the omni to pick up us. Funny thing about space.... The bigger your ears the more you can hear, the bigger ur eyes the farther you can see.. The reason the dishes on deep space craft is so big is so they can catch the degregated milimeter signal that has degregated to the size of a basket ball court by the time it reaches them..... The RF wavelengths have streched. Instead of fine tuning a more robust signal nasa went with the tim allen approach of "more power" and look at there funding now.... Wonder why civilian contractors can do it cheaper..... Hmm... But something interesting to read http://www.arrl.org/eavesdropping-on-apollo-11. VHF comms 30mhz to 300mhz Or https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_1 HF transmitions where heard across the globe thru our atmosphere. Lol and to finish thank you for the spelling correction... I was tired and using my cell phone transmitting in this awsome S band freq the apollo missions used(2.6 to 4.5 ghz). So forgive my 60 year old tech for auto correcting my sleep deprived spelling and possibly being unable to clearly transmit thru stuco walls while my low freq yelling can travel thru....(yes that is an accurate explaination of frequency and communication on a much dumbed down level) but as to the github request... Ill try. But in case not Simple lamens terms . 1.Add small 3 to 6 inch dishes covered by a radome "enven" google will have some good examples for ya lol that can transmit on the UHF and EHF spec that can hit a satilite in space at geosynchronous orbit/ geostationary. They exsist in real life why not have something similar in ksp? Most if not all omni dont reach geostationary when a covered dish planet bound would. 2. Add maybe an auto target align sas script to target and align its comm hoist. This really cant be that hard to script write. But then again it could be kraken prone. 3. Keep up good work on remote tech, makes ksp a million times better
  23. Just curious what the update might break if i update to it? Im in a current career mode game and still relatively early tech aka just got my comm sats up and got a probe around the mun
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