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Everything posted by GGKSPMC

  1. Should I use MySQL databases or PHP arrays? Probably MySQL databases... just hopefully no SQL injection . Update: Now, I just took out all of the ScrollMagic stuff and made the title have a fixed position. It works perfect!
  2. This is the most off-topic post ever
  3. Okay. I will start streaming Twitch. Do I not have a good reputation?
  4. I always use google Image search before I use any open source images to see the creator of the image Thanks!
  5. Hello everybody. I have a question: how do I become a featured KSP live streamer? On the front page of the KSP forums, I have noticed that it shows people who are currently live streaming. Can the admins add my youtube channel to the livestream list? My youtube channel is at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtLy17F1L83z3oqtcGWML4g.
  6. I thought it sold badges! I already figured that out when using random images from Google Images for a homework project . Got a really bad grade for not asking for a copyright
  7. I got it from https://openclipart.org/detail/227918/video-game-controller-icon. In this world, there are many icons that look alike Also, zazzle.com is a badge store that sells physical badges. I used Google Translate to figure that out
  8. I made a new icon using GIMP. Here it is: I would like to hear your feedback. If you like this new icon (in my opinion, it looks a lot more modern), then please like this post.
  9. I totally agree! I will definitely change the site logo Okay. I will use PHP and python.
  10. Thanks a lot Vitas! I definitely will use blue as one of my colors! The layouts will be very close to each other for all pages but the front "motivational" page. Should I also use Python for server-side? For PHP, although there are some commands to manage the file system, I almost always execute a shell/bash command, but it would be very easy to make a quick Python script and run it.
  11. Update Beta 2: Fixes: Fixed ScrollMagic bugs Updates: Smoother CSS design Infinite scrolling page achieved! New Bugs: The infinite scrolling page sometimes takes over 30 seconds to load, but this is probably just my 5 megabytes per second internet
  12. Ok. cool! @VITAS I would love to hear an awesome web developer's advice! I will even put you in the credits! I learn most things from treehouse (teamtreehouse.com). By the way, awesome job doing the funny April Fools pizza joke! You obviously have tons of php to update every single page in the site with awesome PHP code.
  13. @Hobbes Novakoff Ok. Thanks Thank you for the advice. I will use PayPal/Bitcoin because I dont use credit cards (I use Bitcoin or PayPal to pay for anything that is digital). I will now use grammar that my english teacher would be impressed with. I used to have a Minecraft server, in fact! I will edit all of my posts to have good grammar. I am definitely not looking for a team, though. I am the lone wolf (for now)
  14. I replaced the sugar with salt and my family was upset Wow i feel sorry for you. I have to accept all the pranks my sister pulls on me and not scream when she pours a bucket of excessively cold water on my head when I'm sleeping.
  15. Nope... the server rooms will probably be like "April Fools" and also whenever I ask any of my family for something on April fools, they say "April fools I won't do it" like when I woke up this morning they said that they would take me to 6 flags but they just said LOL April fools, so I am already annoyed by April Fools.
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