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Everything posted by KSP Bros KS

  1. ...was destroyed by diamond pickaxes for being too old. The DFC(Dres Fried Chicken).....
  2. Your teacher took your phone? Mine took my legs. -Darth Vader
  3. ...has a DJ playing death metal The interstellar police station...
  4. Wow, how can you praise a glitch/dead thing? And Galacticvoyager, remember, you started it* "Citation: Donald Trump Campaign Lol, @max_creative with the 4th wall breaching
  5. I'm having trouble deciding what to do next, so I'll let the many people who downloaded the mod(and maybe a few others decide)! BD Addon Mod Link If you have any other suggestions, post them below and I will judge on how many likes each one has.
  6. Nope, because BD Armory doesn't even work in 1.1* *Citation: First-Hand Experience
  7. So I tried to do a dogfight with my friend, but as we were fighting, our crafts kept on duplicating, how do you fix this?
  8. ...uses fossil fuels for electricity The new building is a toy store...
  9. 400 downloads but no replys here
  10. It says you are not a democratic, but a dictatorship. It says 99% democratic Oh never mind Whose my leader?
  11. Moderator notifying is going to look really good on this page... (No offense @sal_vager, but you could have done a personal message)
  12. I am NOT democratic, nor will I ever be, make me communist federalist
  13. Just a little BD addon with red, green, blue, and orange lasers from Star Wars, using tibanna gas. ===SpaceDock Download=== ===Alternative Curse Download==== To-Do list: You guys can decide here P.S. I would give anyone partial credit and put their video soon for the mod if they make a modlight about this P.P.S. This was originally posted by KSP Bros AE and I sharing an account, but now this is my seperate account since he took the old one. BD also deserves credit for the models*. Thanks @BahamutoD! More credit: @SpannerMonkey(smce) for part help an fixing and @Wraith977 for part help *For now....
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