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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. That car was built on a metal frame, incorporating the wheels.
  2. I've been thinking about the payload and mission as we would probably need a ballpark mass before we could design a rocket to launch it. I propose we design a payload that can transmit Kevin Macleod's Arcadia (the orbital theme from KSP) from orbit, assuming the vessel will be capable of transmitting telemetry. Tentative list of PL Components: Nosecone/frame Electronics Guidance including Gimbal and reference Battery and solar panels Transmitter and Antenna De-orbiting system What else would the PL need?
  3. There has been some talk recently of a launch facility being built by Equatorial Launch Australia in the Northern Territory (closer to the equator) that intends to provide services to commercial, research and government organizations. https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/space/australias-first-commercial-space-base-to-launch-rockets-within-a-year/news-story/eb7841c5b39e04fd31302e8b1056e3ab
  4. In addition to Bewing's advice: To prevent the dreaded wobbling I use autostrut (you need to enable advanced tweekables in options). Bear in mind that autostrut can have negative effects when docking large vessels so I limit the use of autostrut to the first (and disposable) booster stage. I would right click on the outer tanks and AS to "heaviest part" then AS the tank below Duna Mother ship Engines Module to root part. This should make your rocket more stable during ascent. Adding another radial booster or two might help you get it to orbit. As a side note I think you will need some power generation device (solar, fuel cell or RTG) to get to Duna if you haven't already put them on.
  5. The wayback machine internet archive has an image of the forum as it stood on the 15th August 2015 - Hope this helps: https://web.archive.org/web/20150801000000*/https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ - ignore this one it appears to be only the index page. https://web.archive.org/web/20151204130344/http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/ - this one is from 04 December 2015. Do you remember the sub forum it was posted in?
  6. Welcome to the forum, @BillKerman1234. Many members (Including the thread originator) are still active on the forum. Some threads go dormant for a while, until they are brought back into the community consciousness by new ideas, such as your post. It's not uncommon for threads on space missions to go quiet after launch until the probe gets to it's target location - which can be a long time depending on the destination.
  7. Banned for the crimes of autobania and thread lifting.
  8. I use 0.7-1 chute per ton of spacecraft. Usually I land back at Kerbin at between 4 to 6m/s.
  9. Welcome to the forum, @4472TJ. If I convert the binary to text I get hello wo.
  10. 9/10 Omega worm rocks (Unfortunately -1for ninja'd post that omitted bacon reference). I recently became aware that animated gifs can have negative effects for people with epilepsy so I'm dialing back to a .png. Under 5 and I'll change it, over 5 and I'll keep it.
  11. Welcome to the forum, @SpaceFaringOrBust. Congratulations on entering college and on discovering KSP.
  12. Welcome to the forum, @chicco. I've recently lost some weight so now its just KSP wide gaming. Also that's a very cool avatar.
  13. Eve Engine graph by @fourfa: Engine Mass/Propellant Flow by @OhioBob:
  14. I admit I'm also a serial solar panel non-extender.
  15. Welcome to the forum, I wonder if you are using solid rocket boosters connected to your main stage? The SRB's in KSP don't gimbal like a swivel and they provide increasing thrust to weight as they burn that can make them difficult to control.
  16. www.metabunk.org @The_Cat_In_Space - did you survive, Mate?
  17. G'day @Pascovian, Welcome to the forum.
  18. Welcome to the forum, @ArielleKSP.
  19. N*/10 - I'm conflicted because I got used to your last avatar over the past couple of years and it wouldn't be fair to judge this one in any shorter timeframe. *N = unknown.
  20. Hopefully they will leave evidence of their existence (as hopefully will we) so that whichever species spreads out into the universe can get a better approximation than the Fermi paradox.
  21. @vger I would look for naturally occurring analogues for basic modern equivalents and see what you might be able to "cook up". I think it might be possible to craft a rudimentary thermometer using the hollow shaft of a feather (the calamus), alcohol (from natural sources) and sealed with bone and resin. This could be a first step for a stone age medical lab (a timing system would also be necessary). Complex molecules would be impossible but your protagonist may be able to refine active ingredients (as used by the locals) into more potent medicine. The limited ability to assay these concoctions could also become an interesting plot point.
  22. Greetings @Le kerbalet. It depends on if you mean winged or pure rocket. Which planet or system you wish to explore also matters.
  23. I started looking into what would be required to protect the Martian atmosphere from the solar wind but it seems NASA has a good idea here: https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/245369-nasa-proposes-building-artificial-magnetic-field-restore-mars-atmosphere Paper Here: https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/V2050/pdf/8250.pdf
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