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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Banned for malicious use of Google translate with intent to confuse. Ban redacted because on further examination you appear to want to be banned. I'm going to ban the forum software because it reads google spelt lower case as a spelling mistake and not an anti corporate statement.
  2. I have a standard mobile ISRU called the "Wide Load" that fits inline in the rocket and functions as the base of my lander. I design a lander/ascent sky crane that sits on top of the docking port sr. With this combination you can do Ike and Duna in the same mission. Ike first without undocking because you don't want to try and lift the rover back through the duna atmosphere. Once refuelled the sky crane heads home and the claw becomes the fuel delivery system because trying to line up docking ports on uneven terrain is painful. Deployed on Duna with a science rover.
  3. Banned for not mentioning the deliciousness of Canadian bacon in your nationalistic advertising campaign.
  4. Greetings @RandomGuy1824 and welcome. I prefer to kill kerbals with my stupidity rather than weapons but I think you will find there are a few BDA competitions going on in the challenges sub-forum at any one time.
  5. Cool ship, great mission, great video and excellent use of assists - well done, mate.
  6. I don't think so - you need to do at least 2250ms to make an orbit. I think you might be pushing to get a rendezvous instead of waiting for it to get close before adjusting. If you are in a higher or lower orbit than that of your target you will eventually get a close encounter by doing nothing, just waiting. One little trick that I use is when I'm pretty close to rendezvous I adjust my orbit to be really close to my targets orbit while still being slightly above if I am in front of the target or slightly below if I'm chasing my target.
  7. Thanks mate but I'm not that brave - that's why Neldo is in the driving seat and not Bob. On average I'd say I'm doing 20 - 25ms with peak speeds downhill at about 40ms. I have to charge about every 10 - 20km depending on the terrain. I built the ec system to be able to send the biggest science data back (atmospheric) but I really should have added a few more RTG's.
  8. I would also like to add that when you are doing your mid course correction burn that you "focus view" on the target body and fine tune your encounter there. It allows for precise control over your orbital insertion or flyby.
  9. They all ate it according to the many worlds theory.
  10. GMO's are dealing with organisms, that is the distinction. I understand that farmers have been selectively breeding seed and animals to get the species we have now however no farmer before Monsanto (who is not a farmer but a chemical/bio-science company) developed seeds that will not propagate the next season. I'm not scared of health effects and I can understand them wanting to make money from improving yield, drought tolerance and disease resistance but their current model makes the world a slave to their products and kills the process that allowed farmers to selectively propagate the very species that sustain humanity today. Has Monsanto compensated the millions of farmers who got the plants to that level before they messed with it?
  11. I try to fulfil multiple contracts in a single flight. i.e. Station in kerbin orbit, Mun or Minmus orbit, land base on minmus, mine on minmus , base on solar orbit or Duna flyby. I include part testing contracts and make a boatload of cash in one mission. You usually need to wait a while to get a good list but it pays off.
  12. Greetings @Natokerbal and welcome to the forums. @Snark has created a great illustrated guide to docking that really helped me. Section 1 is what you want. Is there a particular issue you are having?
  13. If it works for you and is enjoyable then why care if it offends someone else's notion of the game. In life there are always going to be differing opinions. I don't get upset by someone posting elitist comments about anything as they are just explaining what works and is enjoyable for them in a more forceful way and this does not effect my game. The human psyche, being what it is, can create issues where none exist in reality. Individuality is what makes us interesting and accepting that you need to be willing to accept there will be many perspectives on everything - even if you don't agree with them. Without individuality we are the Borg (I don't mind if people want to be Borg - so long as they don't assimilate me).
  14. I've found my landing site for Neldo's return and he's lucky enough to have over 14% ore concentration at 6280m elevation (slightly west of the Olympus biome). It's a fair way from the equator so I have an alternate at 5800m but having never done the ascent before I think I'm going to go with the higher the better. The elcano is about 3/4 done (3800km between the flags) so I should be able to wrap that up in the next couple of days. I have made friends with the wheel tweekables and the driving is going fairly smoothly. I'm just about out of The lakes area and it should soon be a straight run north up to the pole. I am using extreme zoom outs to plot my way and avoid backtracking. If anyone knows of a mod that can give Kerbals long hair and a beard please tell me. For his service to stupidity Neldo has been granted exemption from grooming standards and hygene.
  15. Jonfliesgoats has actually started a new thread on this phenomenon:
  16. Unfortunately your planet will be destroyed to make way for a galactic super highway.
  17. Greetings @kupsna. This is a really old thread and the user you quoted has not been online since 1 November 2015 (you can get this information by hovering your mouse over a users avatar).
  18. It sounds like a great idea however wouldn't you have issues with the opposing forces created during the run? Also could it be improved by adding a generator as a resistive force?
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