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Everything posted by madmat

  1. That was cool.I bet they broke a few before they mastered the landings.It looked very twitchy. Good find
  2. Personally,I don\'t think it\'s possible to have too many struts. Especially the ones with 2200 strength. My ships don\'t wobble baby,
  3. Ooh ,I\'ll second the motion on Tank tracks, That\'s what i thought these were when i first read 'Katerpillar' wheels. ;D
  4. Promise you won\'t stop working on this Bigtrak. It\'s Brilliant. I find putting the 'smaller' Mechjeb unit on the very front node looks great and works well as a unmanned munrover/dozer.It\'s real easy to put on the mun too.Well balanced!
  5. i Really can\'t wait for the latest release, as i\'m in the process of updating ALL my packs for maximum compatibility. And this pack is one of my Fav\'s.
  6. OH GOD, That is THE sexiest thing to come out of KSP.Will the cargohold be big enough for the Bigtrack? That seems to be the better of the vehicles as far as load options(connection points)go? I think it\'s larger than the cart. Either way this will be an AWESOME deployment vehicle,,Great stuff :hailprobe:
  7. Congrat\'s C7,I\'m sure you\'ll prove to be a great asset to the Dev team,,Your flight packs will live on forever.As they should.
  8. While we await the latest release of KSP, what was it like in it\'s first editions.When was it first released? Was there a Mun?What were the physics like?How dodgy were the graphics etc. It would be interesting to look back how this game has progressed. Discuss
  9. I thought it was there but the download link has been removed, No wonder i couldn\'t find it, ,,I\'ll have to wait till he finishes the whole pack i guess :\'(
  10. Lord Stimpy,I know i\'ve seen it somewhere, but where did you get the 'nose' for that ship. I can\'t find it.
  11. Welcome to the madhouse. Be careful speeding round the sun\'s orbit at breakneck speeds. That\'s how i first met the KRAKEN. Although i believe his days are numbered!! Have fun.
  12. The roses have faded The violets are dead The sugar is sour And so is your head ;D
  13. I found myself just STARING at that engine,It\'s BEAUTIFUL, Great design!! Can\'t wait for release! What sort of Thrust are we talking here?
  14. Holy snappin duck turd,,That looks WICKED, Not what i expected to be hidden under the fairings.VERY cool!!
  15. That\'s a cool design,What\'s it handle like?
  16. Here in Aus we have a TV program called GOOD GAME, all about PS3 and console games etc. They were discussing Flight sims and KSP came up. One Google search later and here i am. I must admit after 1 spinal fusion and looking down the barrel of another, This game has been a godsend to me in my 'downtime'.
  17. We\'re all behind you (especially if your holding the gun) ;D
  18. Those 3 attach points are a terrific idea for adding our own 'STUFF',,this works great btw,,,,,Thanks heaps
  19. Oooh this is the one,,Here i come baby,,Chickenplucker you ARE the man(i assume,otherwise i apologise)
  20. Inflatable module immediately made me think Jeb let a MASSIVE space fart rip!
  21. Oh god, I\'m staying so tuned that i\'m making funny noises.That sucker is Mine,mine i tells ya, all MINE!!
  22. Lord stimpy, That rocket looks GREAT,,I\'ll be replicating that today while waiting(painfully) for the 14.2 release.
  23. That is a QUALITY shot , you can FEEL the atmosphere. Definitely worth the money eh
  24. Does anybody know of an alternative D/L for the Quad parachute mount?Multiupload is not working.
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