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Everything posted by madmat

  1. Yep the 24/105 would be an excellent choice,Would save a lot of lens changes at the worst possible times.I find the 100/400 can be too long sometimes, but the more lens changes = more chance for dust to get on the sensor.Your size would be ideal.
  2. Feragorn, I bought my 100/400L new. Yes they are pricey,BUT they are really worth the money.The difference in quality is as plane as day. I wouldn\'t personally buy one used, even though they are VERY robust, you have to consider the moving motors inside and ANY scratches on the glass would be devestating.Mine always has a UV filter on it to prevent this. Besides having a warranty is sometimes priceless. As far as ISO is concerned i generally don\'t go over 1600, anything over that and digital noise is too extreme,You can pick up TINY tripods no bigger than your camera really cheap,they fit into your pocket. Also consider a Monopod they make a handy walking stick and would be strong enough to beat off thugs if necessary ???.
  3. I would put on WAY more struts. Particularly joining the main (heavier)stages TOGETHER.Also there\'s a strut connector by Tiberion that has a sheer strength of 2200,I\'d strongly suggest finding that in the addons(should be able to 'search'his name. That\'ll make a big difference.hope this helps
  4. Now that\'s just SEXY!!I\'ll be downloading these when they\'re ready.
  5. The OTV looks AWESOME and works a treat. It\'s very nimble,I like that. Shame about the little legs not working out but i\'ll make do. It fits the launcher like a glove.I have a new fav..Great job
  6. I\'m pretty keen on photography as well. I use a Canon 40D with 60mm Macro,17/85mm and100/400L series, LUV it,,Airshows are a BUZZ but i\'m right into Wildlife at the moment,Particularly raptors. They are Majestic.The 100/400L makes light work of it though,It\'s an AMAZING lens.
  7. Congrats Johno,,Good to see another Ozzy in a position of POWER!!!
  8. I couldn\'t get the Quad mount parachute to DL, it seems MultiUpload is bung. Any ideas?,,,Thanks all
  9. Glad to hear everyone\'s alright,Got me wondering if the KRAKEN isn\'t seeking his revenge though! Stay SAFE guys.
  10. Now my missions all feel soo insignificant,,I\'m going home.'shrugs shoulders and walks away dejected'
  11. MUST have Tosh\'s CART,,found in 'plugins' section,,Makes EVERYTHING more fun ,,,,and welcome to the Madhouse ???
  12. Ahh thanks guys, I figured they worked the same but wasn\'t sure if i was missing something due to the different naming. Appreciated..
  13. This may be a stupid question, but what\'s the difference between an engine with thrust vectoring and a gimballed engine?I know i like using gimballed engines on my landers for steering, but what are the Pro\'s/Con\'s of each? Thanks guys/gals,,
  14. RE;;KER-111 Excelsior,,Just want to let you know we\'re all counting on you(flying high) shameless bump.
  15. Dammit you\'re making a MACHINE GUN,,We\'re not giving up either!!
  16. I just did a spring clean and replaced the old NP pack for this updated one, GREAT work,,Thanks
  17. SWEET, Although the lander flipping upside down wouldn\'t be particularly unusual for my modus operandi,
  18. I seriously can\'t wait for your next version to be released, will make my munbase building so much quicker,,awesome work,
  19. Hmm,,Just ANOTHER Novasilisko pack of very practical,well balanced and truly functional parts for KSP,Nothing to see here folks ,,Man your gear is the bomb,Nice sound affects BTW,Keep em coming. Thankyou ;D
  20. I figured out last night how i found the cracken a couple of weeks ago,,I was on a solar orbit!
  21. That is the most Beautiful explosion i ever seen,I could almost hear your graphics card Crying from here
  22. That looks amazing,Sooo sleek, Can\'t wait to try it out.
  23. Nice start, I can see some AMAZING munbases being posted here.
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