Mak10z,,This thread\'s last post was 7mnths ago. There\'s a very good chance it has been left to die. It probably wouldn\'t work with todays version of KSP anyway..Sorry mate
Great work,Very entertaining and the music definitely suited it.It was interesting to see how 'little' you could do 2 return trips with.It seems my craft are WAY to overpowered for my single trips.
That swingwing is a definite must have, Also the 'trailer' attachment in the previous post is a great idea. I was thinking about this the other day but can\'t work out how i would launch it to the Mun while keeping it 'stable' in flight. Would be great on Kerbin though. You\'re definetly coming out with some Awesome stuff. This is the FIRST thread i check when i get online.
Welcome aboard, This is a terrific and friendly forum and a VERY addictive game. Don\'t forget to check out the Mods and Plugins. They really add another level to the game.
I\'m sure this has been explained before but i can\'t find it Sorry,,,,Where do i put the Source file or where do i put the CS files,,,Thanks in advance,
Nibb31,,On point 4 where you say watch the green light ,as soon as it turns red,mark that spot. What RED/GREEN lights are you talking about? Thanks Mat
To be Honest zYntheticz, It\'s probably better if you just copy the design with your own 'flavor', as the more i look at it, the more i can see 'bits' from other packs which i\'m not sure where they\'re from and this will negate the craft file working. I\'m not keen on this blowing out of proportion and hijacking the Bigtrak thread.
Tiberion,It MIGHT have come from Vers 1.2c (not too sure) but i wouldn\'t have D/L\'d it any earlier than Feb this year. With the thrust of 125 and burn rate of 1, I\'d have to say it\'s PERFECTLY balanced for my 'operations',,wooohooo