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Everything posted by GKSP

  1. GKSP

    Mobile APP?

    My advice: dont use an app. they are hard to use on different platforms and you need to pay a fee to get them on an appstore. Websites are better because you do not need to download them and they work on most platforms.
  2. This has probably been done before, but I want to see what others think would be good to see on the loading screen. Here's an idea: Sinking Mohole. Anyone have more?
  3. Here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7cewt2aza0s7i9h/gamedata pic.JPG?dl=0 Do you also want one of the issue in game?
  4. I have this problem too. I found that at the 2m mark, disable MJ, activate RCS, Docking mode, and push it those excruuuuciating two meters.
  5. Hey all, I have no clue if this should be in here or addon discussions, but here goes: I just got KAS/KIS and desperately wanted to use the kerbal EVA inventory, because I could remove helmets and refuel airplanes without the pain of docking.The issue is that I have no inventory to use. I right-clicked Doddard(an engineer and dedicated fuel tanker technician) and went to click the Inventory button, but there was none there. Next, I tried to find the inventory button on one of those side mount containers(with some tools inside). Thankfully the inventory button showed. I clicked on it and nothing happened. Again. This is weird because the inventories work in the SPH/VAB and on loaded vessels/cockpits. Any help would be nice. Thanks, GKSP
  6. Hey all, Recently, I decided to make a jeep to use with my BDArmory save. I ran into an issue: kerbal helmets were just a little too big for the roof. The heads aren't. Instead of editing the jeep, I want to take the lazy out: remove the helmets. I've seen a lot of people use a mod that removes helmets from kerbals on Kerbin, so I would like to know where to find it. Thanks!
  7. GKSP

    My New Website

    nice site
  8. GKSP

    Model rockets

    Anyone know good launch sites in Florida(USA)?
  9. Thanks EBOSHI! I vote for the orbiting tea party hands down.
  10. Here is my latest invention: the Space Cookie. Cut into 8 equal sized portions, this is sure to delight your guests. It has white fudge and chocolate chip, and it "flies" and crashes. http://imgur.com/a/AQEbi BTW, how do you insert imgur stuff directly into post?
  11. Thanks! That should complete my mod updating.
  12. So... I have BDArmory but I noticed it never gets updated anymore. Was it abandoned? Will anyone pick it up? Any answer is helpful.
  13. My early game career rovers do too!
  14. With great people now getting older and dying, it is now time for a new generation of explorers to pave the way the brave Apollo astronauts did. Farewell Gene Cernan.
  15. ...That feeling you get when you look back at the beginning and end of this story, and the real world. It gets deep.
  16. find cool music you like that fits, download, and put it in!
  17. On the topic of writing, I have a short sci-fi story I wrote one time. It's about space tourism, people, and, *cue dramatic music* an evil plot. It's not Kerbal (although I stole the name Lumy from a kerbonaut I had). I might post a link up here sometime but it needs editing, and it's not my top priority. KSK, your writing is truly amazing and I hope to see more sometime.
  18. Im and eagle scout. Got it in october
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