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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Seeing as I am involved in the dispute, that series of posts was done sequentially. As in, the Architect posted before me, then I responded, and then the arcitect again. There was no dispute over the number there, his edit was merely to add in the image 3/4 of the way there image. As much as it pains me to say, I think everything till now has been valid. So carry on.
  2. Only a sadist would do that..... Nah, I make basically everything in the SPH, planes included. I find the camera and building tools easier to work with there.
  3. I... uhh dont use the vab much. I tend to build my rockets in the SPH.... I guess then I see the back most often?
  4. oops. i missed a letter. I mean.. I guess do what you want. Something about legality comes to mind though.
  5. whoa there chill a bit, burning brides is not a good hobby. I mean, yes there are rules here but as somebody will probably explain better than me, its not as if the KSP forum is excessively regulated. Most of the rules put in place are put there (I think I read this a while ago) to promote better discourse or something and prioritize a less than poisonous area for discussion, hence the heavy restrictions on things like political or religious ideological discussion. I don't think that you will have to have all of your chapters of your mission report checked by a mod. Stuff like removing discussion that are too big and irrelevant is to help threads.. remain relevant or so, or continue the discussion as the thread intended (for the most part). A mod should probably better explain this than some random person with a keyboard. Can agree though, maybe a bit trigger happy with post removal here on this last purge of posts. Also, I'm sure there are more than a number of people here on these forums happy to talk if you want/need. random complaint to keep relevant-ish - I have a knife (that i found for free sometime ago) and the tip is totally broken. Like snapped off completely. I dont think the steel is particularly great.
  6. Ours chewed on cables a bunch and lived for quite a while. Its definitely not the best for her, but I don't think she's gonna die soon.....
  7. Oh ok, I misunderstood non-functional as "not able to move", not as "without a gun that fires".
  8. I mean they might make a slightly larger launcher, or some modification of electron in the future if there's a need. But yeah,standard model, run through the list. Must be some good names there...
  9. qzgy

    Shower thoughts

    when or if? Cause we still haven't seen it fly yet, and who knows what could happen.
  10. You know, I was honestly waiting for the part where it took off. Actually a little disappointed it didn't....
  11. True, but with a big enough computer and enough patience, that is overcomable. Personally, I might download it and see if I can actually add parts to it to make it positionable/movable using stock mechanics....
  12. Neat. I'm slightly puzzled tho, why have the smaller space thing be named after the vastly bigger subatomic particle? ( wait they didn't see edit) Also, if they do continue with that, it might get "strange" quickly, if you get my drift..... EDIT: WAIT IM DUMB I MISREAD THAT AS PROTON. ignore me.
  13. another semi relevant thing. As to the point of the thread - who knows? Dead people I guess, but they tend not to be talkative.
  14. Is this a challenge? Or does the construction physically not allow for hinges to be slipped in?
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