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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. ..... Crap I am now too thanks to this.
  2. On mobile in Chrome. No issues for me here....
  3. From what I understand and the common advice given, if your main goal is to have ksp run more smoothly, then you should stick with team blue. Ksp cares mostly about single threaded performance, which Intel processors I believe are generally better at. I wouldn't be surprised if it does actually make a large difference, but I can't concretely say. If you do want to upgrade, the easiest/maybe cheapest way is to get a new motherboard which supports more ram and get a couple more sticks to have a 32 gb system, keeping everything else the same. Or get a current gen i5 or i7 and mobo plus the ram.
  4. I shall double that. If my computer doesn't melt. I'll try to at least.
  5. Could be fun. In a better mood than yesterday so I've got that going for me. That's low... Although honestly celery plus ranch isn't bad.
  6. .....This means war . Tomorrow...... Have to ask though, how many sepratrons did you add? Cause now I have to add more than that....
  7. Banned for.... Actually no ban. Hi there.
  8. this isn't really a complaint, but kinda is. I just got on spring break (yay), but now one of the main points of socialization for me is gone and I'm also still not decompressed from the whole school mindset. Too much... nervousness about something or something like that at the moment. eh might solve itself....
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