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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. No, not really... Care to explain? (is it missing the vertical pole things?)
  2. It was found books serve as great thermal insulators. The soup bowl is hot. Waiter, why is the great white whale in my soup? Also how big is this bowl to fit a whale?
  3. Shame on you for shaming yourself. I do that.
  4. Hello! Have a nice time, not lurking.
  5. No. Oh well, lets keep that pattern going. @DarkOwl57
  6. Usually when I need more SRB power I just stick a bunch of kickbacks together in the same cluster. You can also use radial symmetry for that.
  7. ... seperate chutes for blood and flesh, to prevent it from going to the street. This freemason place ...
  8. Um, you know you are supposed to answer the poster's above question, right? Cause quantum stuff Waiter, why aren't you in my soup?
  9. I learn how to tame the creatures and kill any who don't. My hill and creatures
  10. Cause we are passed the barefoot event horizon. Why are there 7 hills in rome?
  11. qzgy To send stuff to space Up and to the side. Whit is yer name? Whit is yer quest? Why did the chicken cross the road to see how much wood a woodchuck could chuck by the girl selling seashells by the seashore?
  12. Shame on you for repeating what I said and missspelling shaming.
  13. Not really. I do the same. In the worst case scenario, I just pack more fuel than I think is necessary.
  14. Qaiter is now not doing anything. Waiter, why are you in my soup?
  15. Stores data, and nothing else This server...
  16. Shame on you for ... actually nothing. Shame on me for not shaming you.
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