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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. that makes planets. This mud hut...
  2. Known for not having a stock profile picture
  3. I'm sure it was there for a reason. Probably taste Waiter! Why is a model sailboat in my soup?
  4. gra.... wait, you already had one (I assume you were born as a human, requiring sexual reproduction). Next! I wish I had a chair.
  5. Nope. I have an idea, @LetsGoToMars!
  6. But what if I am danny? Therefore, my cookie. My cookie through impersonation
  7. I burn hill (its covered in lotion, which is probably flammable), sterilizing it. I build a house on the hill and bake a cookie. My hill and cookie O, and I also install an ocean around the hill.
  8. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo -28 (-)
  9. "I would like to see something on No.1 other than the white shell, like a cabin" That was an opinion from this thread
  10. I noticed a new craft was uploaded by @NorthAmericanAviation on kerbalx.... Does this mean the hiatus is over? (or soon to be over?) Edit: No, maybe not... Craft is from 60's, current time is nearly the 80's
  11. No. My game would crash transferring that many kerbals in the SPH. Also thanks!
  12. O' really? Presenting the Mega-Kerbal Barge, which can carry a grand total of 3548 kerbals (221 mk3 cabins, 2 mk 2, and 2 mk 1 cabins.) It absolutely destroys framerate and has enough engines that it might actually be pushing kerbin around.... It doesn't even have too many parts (only, uhh.. let me check... 297. My train was 300 something, so yeah!) It doesn't look as nice though ...
  13. Clock. That looks like the escapement (Is that what its called? Its the thing attached to a pendulum in a pendulum clock)
  14. I kraken the kraken. Kraken^2 gives cookie to me My cookie
  15. Thinking about doing this Does the red route qualify? Or does it diverge too much from the equator? If not, I assume the purple qualifies, correct?
  16. Qzgy I seek to complete the Elcano challenge with a train (eventually) I am using a custom computer. What is your name? What is your quest? Mac, windows, or linux?
  17. I invent a traveling time machine and just skip the next couple centuries to where the cookie is. I take said cookie and take it to the restaurant at the end of the universe. My cookie.
  18. Shame on you for not following the general concept of this thread
  19. I think the links are broken since they moved with a forum update. Just click through the pages, there's only 43
  20. Taking a page from Overland's book Choo Choo! Still unstable in high speed turns (or tight turns in general)
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