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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Probably not. 90% sure the two systems use different memory standards (DDR4 vs DDR3) (also oh damn looking at the prices on the website I'd say you're better installing your own memory....) Judging from this benchmark (https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-1060-6GB-vs-AMD-RX-580/3639vs3923) they look pretty similar in terms of performance...... I have to ask, I've tried OC'ing my 4690K, though I've only gotten to about 4.2 ghz stably. Is there any way to make that go higher without stressing the CPU too much?
  2. Granted, but you're forced to give said hill to me Power to rewind time and manipulate space time
  3. qzgy


    1087 Gap of 18 @Gargamel
  4. My guess (and I think after looking a bit closer I will agree) is that the performance gain for the money is probably quite small. Single threaded performance seems about the same, and since thats what matters, there wouldn't be much benefit from the i7.
  5. Relatively minor in the grand scheme of things *eyes 1.5*
  6. qzgy


    and a gap of 12 I believe too (@Gargamel) In anycase, next up is
  7. nope TUBM likes Arnold Palmer Half & Half Arizona.
  8. Uhhh @michal.don is it ok for the christmas mission if I make a 1.3 version of the present and use that instead? All my stuff is still in 1.3....
  9. That could be it and also maybe the fact that you don't have to roll over a 2.5m diameter thing - the actual wheel base is smaller,if that makes sense. Maybe trying the can version with additional weight would help see if it is consistent with that?
  10. Messaging App/Program of sorts. I guess kinda like IRC but fancier? (I'm young so not exactly sure) Basically multiple users join a server with multiple "channels" which allow a text based communication of ideas to occur. Also supports voice chat, private/direct messaging, and image sharing.
  11. Maybe thats the point? To flip stranded rovers? I don't know, haven't played with the new update yet.
  12. Yeah thats quite inefficient. Honestly, your best bet is to mess with maneuver nodes until it does work. PreciseManeuver is so helpful in that sense of making the exact maneuver you want. There also might be some tutorials out there to help you, but I'm not sure
  13. How are you capturing? Actually, how are you doing your mission in general? On the few occasions I've been to Jool, I use as much as possible a gravity assist from Tylo to capture. Gravity assists in the Jool system are your friend.
  14. given the recent parts, its actually something it seems like they'd consider....
  15. Without knowing more details and what not, I can't actually say if you installed it properly. I'd check that it is. Maybe there's a version error, maybe there were more instructions, maybe you're missing a dependency of kopernicus. I'd check that before blaming the mod.
  16. Because.... the mods aren't maintained by squad? Therefore, squad has little to no say over what can and cannot be done with a mod. And you should be able to mod it regardless - just put the relevant mod folder into you gamedata folder.
  17. No. They look good as is, with maybe some color variants, but no fundamental change to the art.
  18. qzgy


    Google gave me this very randomly related image for the next prime
  19. Why not then commandeer the job of head chef for the week from them? So that food might be actually (from the sounds of it) good?
  20. qzgy

    Shower thoughts

    Oh I knew perfectly well what you meant. I was just being a bit snarky.
  21. Something that, while not really space based, is an extremely fun and frustrating challenge is trying to make a stock turboprop heli. I know that there's currently a thing called PFC being ran by Jolly Roger Aerospace. Maybe you could consider entering that for fun. You could also try in a stock-ish save to do a grand tour? Or even a Jool 5. If you want to extend it, you could try a colonization run of one of the planets you haven't visited.
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