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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. To me that looks like Airplane Plus. Dont have SXT, but do have AP+ on one install and it has that drone like compartment cabin thing. Pinging @Triop since he also asked.
  2. qzgy


    Yeah it is kinda fun. Although double gapping a gap to remove a name certainly seems to defeat the purpose of getting the large gaps.... 1811
  3. Doesn't it already? I know that when I imbed imgur images I use their bbcode thing. I've also messed with it in the test thread and seen it work (mostly I think) Anyways, thought it already does..
  4. By scooping out baby skulls and adding a fun little straw. Whats for dinner?
  5. qzgy


    1777 gap of 18 if worth anything
  6. go easy, i've only existed post-2000/later. at least I seem to be getting there. Yes, I have heard Dark side of the Moon by now. Already started up the 2nd thing on your list, will probably go listen to the 3rd tomorrow. Will probably also give thing thing razark mentioned a shot tomorrow.
  7. Well, of course if she's following a safety code, nobody would be hurt (generally). Its called a safety code, not an intent to kill.
  8. From reading the rules, I don't think there's any limit on body encounters, or even on getting science from said body. Just landings.
  9. Downloaded KSP 1.6 for an off forum challenge and put some of the necessary mods on it. While the paragliders are cool and dv readout kinda neat, it crashed, something that hasn't happened to me for a while. Oh, and landing gear are borked compared to 1.3. And I found the parts a bit ugly. I think I'll still live in 1.3 for a while.
  10. qzgy


    1663 @Gargamel, we've got a gap of 20 above me.
  11. For reasons unknown to myself, this has been growing on me. I don't even listen to them that much, started pretty much 2 days ago or so.
  12. Oh, thats quite clever. I can understand that now. It's KSP - I think you don't need to be super efficient.
  13. I am super curious how you managed to do that. Mostly finished product looks good, just missing details like you said (and fins although I guess those are a detail.....).
  14. Winter break finished. I liked winter break. And midterms are in less than two weeks.
  15. Banned because its now the second day of the new year, which began yesterday.
  16. Wow, sounds great. Might eventually have to update then....
  17. Ah so more like a guest list, similar to the Jool 5 or K-Prize. Sounds good.
  18. Hmm this is interesting. Might have to give this a shot. Honestly never done a full "unlock the tech tree" in career or science, so that would be a first for me. How is leader board ranking/status given?
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