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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Kerbal in a nutshell. Seems pretty good if you can get up to 5.3 stable. Mine is only OC'd at 4.2 or so.
  2. Pics or it didn't happen? Agreed with that though. Long as you don't go down there that much it shouldn't really matter right?
  3. I made a thing. Still needs to get to orbit and have like some actual mildly practical purpose. Other than looking coool.
  4. Looks nice. May I ask why not add another set of elevons to extend the blade and thus the static lift? Seems like it might be useful....
  5. I would imagine a google search, but putting it through google image search this deviantart post is what showed up https://www.deviantart.com/stoupa/art/Cargo-Ship-498056824 Neat challenge though. Might have to give it a shot.... Course it does
  6. PSATs! Cause I'm a senior this year though don't have to take them! So instead spent 4 hours in the bio lab working my school research project. Which was nice.
  7. False-ish? I have a bike, but its a bit small so I don't use it often. TUBM has chronic sleep deficiency
  8. Cool. Kinda wanna try myself. I am quite nervous about heights though. And falling. It seems like one of those ideas that sounds fine on the ground but terrible 3 seconds before you jump.
  9. I'd make the even bigger argument that in space its hard to repair those broken off solar panels without unmounting it, taking it back to a special place for fine delicate work then reattaching it. Solar panels and antenna both (presumably) have fine, delicate, and fragile wiring and components. A) I dont think spares would be shipped up because B) Its really hard to repair that thing. I think it would be akin to trying to repair a phone in space. A bit too delicate especially if wearing big space suit gloves. unless of course a single cell is just slot in and play, which I highly doubt.....
  10. No well not at least after I relooked at the chapter. in anycase I was thinking a bit more about the last chapter. or 2...
  11. So now you kill off characters in a hearbeat okay.... Neat not-novella long chapter for a bit of break. Curious how it affects Val and Edgas. Also a bit curious how Sam could hear the twisting metal of the tracking station (unless dying tracking stations are really loud....)
  12. Can confirm the Joint Base. Has a pretty neat airshow once in a while. If you don't mind the drive, I guess you can say that the Goddard flight center is "in the area" Oh theres also the Holmdel Horn Antenna that (for me at least) is a bit of a drive east at the Bell Telephone Labs. Apparently it was used to first detect the Cosmic microwave background. So thats kinda neat.
  13. Replica? Of what? Also, from what I've heard, mk2 fuselages are kinda crappy for spaceplanes. Something about high drag and low fuel mass ration. TBH I'd be kinda interested to play with it.
  14. I mean no offense, but I try as much as possible to avoid tweakscale. (The one exception being that really really big thing........). Found it a bit cheaty tbh. For me though my critical mods are KER and Editor extensions. Dont know the look of the normal editor anymore......
  15. ooooh fanceh. Like the little ambient light especially.
  16. Not here yet. Though if you'd like @McGreggor, take a browse through the latest Devnotes in the daily kerbal. Most of the stuff is mentioned there. As for my contribution - wow an actually probably good burn indicator! And some new shiny parts. Gonna miss the old ones a bit...
  17. Uhhhhhhh the F-22 raptor right? Both look pretty good though. I'd be interested in a better picture though of that tail ramp on the 185. Sounds like a pretty neat feature.....
  18. Not sure about you, but for myself personally I wouldn't be surprised if the reduced chatter is because of school and those kinds of commitments now popping up. I know I've been more occupied by school.
  19. Is this then like an editor tweak or something tweaked outside of the editor while in flight? And if it's in editor who do you limit it to engineers? I'd find it quite annoying to have to continually tweak a craft outside of the editor if testing. Also I think in the stock game I don't feel as if we are really missing any one engine. Tweaking just kinda gives more engines that have only incremental differences. And besides, from a real world perspective, engines are complicated pieces of tech (at least some) . I don't think one single person can patch one to make it behave differently and work properly without a lot of tools and equipment and knowledge
  20. Imgur my friend. Or instagram. Since apparently a bunch of memes come from there now....
  21. The scarier implication of this is that foxes know how to make fire. I quite like it though.
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