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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. @Brikoleur - looks like a pretty neat escape system. Wonder if it would also make a good emergency escape from orbit, given the heat shields, parachutes, and retro motors.
  2. Also made a tiny little iceboat. Or iceboat like thing. We don't really have skis in KSP...
  3. How do you like learn not to die and stuff? Or is their lots of food readily available in like fruits and so on? And that at all doesn't seem at all to help "clear minds up"
  4. Huh. That seems like a really crazy thing to do On another note, for someone who is interested in learning to fly, how would you recomend starting?
  5. More concerning, you have a (and I emphasize/over dramatize here) a "MANHOOD JOURNEY" program? Why does this "MANHOOD JOURNEY" program even exist? What's the point of it? I do like swimming though. Was sorta ish kinda on a swim team kinda thing for a bit that was neat. Still don't see how its a part of a "MANHOOD JOURNEY" program. And how it would be considered manly (I don't judge, but its not really considered a manly activity like I don't know, woodchopping). Still, best of luck with it, hope you don't drown and that the "MANHOOD JOURNEY" goes well. Maybe you could even get out of it if you're lucky.
  6. Why not just you know... hack it into orbit? It is just for testing anyways and could have saved you what seems to be a considerable amount of time...
  7. I made an a e s t h e t i c plane for the sake of just looking nice. I think it looks pretty nice. Flies like a pig though.
  8. Because it made George Lucas a ton of money. Using keplerian mechanics, explain the escape velocity of the death star.
  9. .... why do you ask? Oh wait, the pokemon on top! Kinda does look like it....
  10. People who don't like kittens exist?? - Dull knives. - When I have to finagle my charging cable to get my computer to charge because Dell has some stupid self check mechanism
  11. While I do agree that nonsensical staging screws with dV readouts and that having it glitch would steepen the curve, it would at least make it simpler when doing the most basic of designs (a direct ascent or simple shuttle or something), thus reducing the curve of "I can't space help". I do very heavily appreciate my dV readouts though even when they are broken half the time. I agree with this sentiment to some degree. I don't want my rockets flying themselves, but a mod to maintain level flight in the atmosphere doesn't seem unreasonable does it?
  12. 5.7% of average human urine out put in a day. How much area can be contained by a sphere the size of the death star?
  13. Photoshop work for an in joke on a discord.
  14. Yes you have. Maybe not. IDK. But its not a new idea.
  15. Beautiful build! Though as one note of criticism, its missing the notch in the front. Unless the design has been updated or something. If you like it though and it works better than the old one, go for it.
  16. ARRRGHHHHH Eve mission is...stupid? Hard. I have this brilliant LV stuck in a cargo bay. Guess what though? A STUPID STRUT IS IN THE WAY!!!! So I tried to hack it away in a save file. Don't know how, so I just installed a mod to explode it. But beyond that, eve reentry and landing on water was surprisingly easy once I had all the fuel pumped appropriately. AND THEN. I didn't really test my ascent vehicle. So whoopde doo, guess what? It sucks. A lot. TWR is barely 1 ASL. And I thought the first stage would go farther. It didn't. So it doesn't actually leave Eve. I'm annoyed now....
  17. Ah no, I was unclear. I was talking about the SSTO to Eve. I have a separate ascent lifter thingy in the cargo bay. My main problem is getting that to eve and landing, both of which are untested. Thanks for the advice though! Progress on that mission is good. I've gotten into a low eve orbit. The problem now is descent. I can't really aim where I want to go and it has a tendency to become unstable. And I can't really fix that. I'll chip away at it though....
  18. Hardest bit is takeoff... After that its pretty alright.
  19. When in an essay you right munshot instead of moonshot....
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