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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Honestly, I think @CatastrophicFailure's "Nick-Nack" tag for the N was pretty good. So Fairly Abnormal Landing Capable Orbiter Nick-Nack. It's up to you though
  2. I don't know. Started a naming fest?
  3. Alright then Furry Armed Llamas Considering Onion Necromancy
  4. Oh oops. Ferocious Alpaca Laboratory Curiously-fixated on Nickelback-exposure
  5. Ferocious Alpaca Laboratory of Nickelback-exposure
  6. Can't help but notice this is empty. So here's something to start With the Making History expansion, a bunch of new parts have come out to aid in replicas. Feel free to share/discuss techniques that you have used for making your own. Or own variations even.
  7. Fairly Abnormal? Fairly Abnormal Landing Capable Orbiter Necessity.
  8. Really?! I seriously doubt that. It usually takes about 3400, and is generally the accepted number. Show me then it being done in 2850 m/s of dV.
  9. Funnily enough, when unbreakable parts was on accidentally, it was somewhat slower than after some bits exploded.
  10. Actually... if he flipped the plane over it might not melt the landing gear....
  11. boop. https://imgur.com/a/ZJUUc No flying. Went a bit above the water and land, but no flying.
  12. You know that electric thing from yesterday? Refined it a bit by adding moar powahhh and some hydrofoils. And stuck wings on it. It works... surprisingly well apart from occasional explosions of somewhat important bits exploding in the engine yet it still mysteriously works fine....
  13. Why not just copy the existing one over to the back? and re jigger it a bit for weight and what not?
  14. Aww yiss. Back to reclaim the throne with the Goddammit III Album Link - https://imgur.com/a/ZJUUc Final time - 3:19 with Master and Commander, Breakfast Club, and No Strings Attached
  15. Hmm. Not sure what the policy is on double entries..... but I'm coming for you foobar.... Not quite happy with this. More tweaking!
  16. Thank you! I was also surprised how well it works, especially since I didn't even do much tweaking with the design and that it went even faster when some of the propeller blades broke. I'm heavily considering going even faster actually with refinements to the design, like prop blade number and angle and preventing spontaneous catastrophic destruction (which happened at high RPMs....)
  17. Stock electric props and cruising across the ocean. For some challenge here that was actually pretty good. The race to the island challenge without reaction engines one.
  18. Done. I decided a boat was better and the enormous time savings of not having to go through water significantly outweigh the coolness factor and the extra 1 minute bonus. Album - https://imgur.com/a/2vSyp Final time 18:27 - 7 min = 11:27
  19. Editing software? Like premiere or vegas?
  20. I have an idea! How about learn to play without MJ! Not to hate or anything, but getting good at the game might actually be funner then you'd think. And if its for dV, KER should work...
  21. Wait, is a turboprop using jet engines ok? I mean, as long as the engine is not providing forward thrust?
  22. So.... different colored bars for different stages filling up to a grand total or something?
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