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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. I should not read this in class..... its too good! But that was a nice chapter. I'm just waiting till their wee little hearts are broken or something. Or maybe not! That would be good.
  2. You really can't. Its a different part though kept in the game and should be searchable under the manufacturers tab.
  3. Copy the direct image link. Should end in a .jpg, .png, or similar file extension. Right clicking and viewing the image gives you also usually the direct image link. Then paste it in and wait for magic to happen. I've posted your picture here using that method.
  4. Actually probably could. And some would be more than willing to chip in more than a penny. Can we make this a thing? The grand banana computer donation or something?
  5. Would need to see the video first.... Youtube channel Argofox might have something. Not sure though.
  6. Hm. Maybe try using card stock or other thick paper to make the nozzles? If a simple cone will do, just roll up a small cone and stick that into the block. You could also use some more complicated methods to get better nozzles,. Alternatively you could sand down balsa cones but thats quite hard. I would say to use rolled up cardstock in the shape of a cone and glue it to the block structure. If that doesn't work maybe there's other people who might know better. In general though I would think foamcore is a good general structure material, but cardstock or even paper is much better for fine details.
  7. Already? Wow. I thought the 1.4.1 patch was barely a couple weeks ago.
  8. Not enough..... But still pretty alright.
  9. Hs well that not even my worst. I've launched 1800 part monstrosities into space..... which was a lagfest.
  10. DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT! I dare you.
  11. Probably maybe an apollo style mission. Or just a simple souped-up mun lander attached to a beefier transfer stage. This is to account for the extra dV needed to get to duna and the extra dV needed to land and take off. Parachutes do work on duna though so those are probably helpful to slow your descent somewhat.
  12. me. I have built craft well into the 800 part range...
  13. I'm using AdNauseum which is based on UBlock origin. I may have added a couple filters but just white listing this site seems to fix it. I also used to use AdBlock Plus, but then it kinda stopped working. Wonder why it stopped being an actual adblocker instead of an adopener....
  14. Yup definitely the adblocker I am using. Kinda weird.... Anyways, fixed it. So thats neat.
  15. Hmm. Doesn't show up for me in my normal browser (Firefox). Switching over to chrome does make it show up. Wonder if its some form of add-on or something similar.
  16. Hey this is a weird question, but where did the button for jumping back to the quoted post go? It used to be an arrow in the top right of any quoted post. Maybe not any but most. I found it quite nice/handy...
  17. Oi whatya say m8? Chem and Bio both trump Physics ya cheeky bugger.
  18. So you're saying having a tail fin that auto corrects the aircraft to point in the right direction, making 0 angle of attack and lift most of the time, is not useful?
  19. Hmmm.... I don't know.... Thats a good question... Deleting the module "Collider Helper" in the craft file doesn't change anything at least...
  20. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149706-13-collide-o-scope-v116/ The most favoritest mod. So helpful for that kind of stuff.
  21. Hey @Laie - Your technique worked beautifully! Thank you for the advice! Image below is taken from a legitimate orbit. This is just a neat shot I thought. Also tried... bigger. HO-229-ish shape. Doesn't really fly, more plummets in slow motion.... More tweaking!
  22. Thank you! Yeah, I'll try to do a similar profile. I guess I'm more used to doing a zoom climb given also I've worked a decent amount with more rocket based SSTOs. Thanks for the advice, will definitely try.
  23. Wonder if spoilering it would help....
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