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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. hehe thanks for the chuckle. I don't really have an opinion on this. I mean, it would be neat, but its not really necessary. Also as Gargamel said, increased physics loading, which would be a horrible thing on lower end systems.
  2. Oh I might be doing it wrong then.... You're probably right though.
  3. I believe you are correct in that klond was the first to use this hinge. In my own experience, even with contrarotating props the issue isn't really gyroscopic effects trying to twist the rotor, its more that it is hard to change the axis of a spinning thing. So actually tilting the entire rotor assembly forward. Kinda like spin stabilization if that makes any sense...
  4. 251: Finding old forum games from 2 years ago.
  5. Given this This is an appropriate response. My complaint of the day - just learned in RSS/RO that AJ-10s are restartable. Not only that but also thatI can't get to the frigging moon. I'm probably super close, but...... eh.
  6. qzgy - July-September 1952 Cephalopod Advanced Research Division - LATE. REGRETFULLY LATE. @Ultimate Steve Yeah thats probably a good idea.
  7. qzgy - July-September 1952 Cephalopod Advanced Research Division - Nervously Worried. And scheming. Since NSEP is on break, the wheel turns for @Ultimate Steve to post.
  8. Ok. This was a test craft I was working on to actually make a tiltrotor. The hinge mechanism is located in the front of a panel bulkhead thing inside the cargo bays and basically consists of several clipped 2.5m tanks held together by a cage of structural beams and plates. This craft I think is a derivative of that using many many RCS balls instead of structural panels to hold the central 2.5m hub. But its the same idea. Oh, should also mention that both are quite rough. As in - it technically does work, but gyroscopic effects are not your friend (having four rotors spinning isn't really helping.)
  9. I had earlier also tried a giant tiltwing thing. Got the mechanism ok-ish, but not the engines. If you want, I can send over the craft file for you to poke around in. It should still work...
  10. Oh yeah we had a bit of snow here as well. Was too warm and melted eventually though. Sister and I were on break though so nothing happened.
  11. Not really? Premise is theres a fully immersive VR MMORPG that traps everyone in it. When they die in game, they also die IRL. The only way to win is to beat the entire game.
  12. Mucked about with an RSS/RO launcher design before going back to Stock and starting a flying wing thing Needs alot more work, especially on the backend. KSP curves are hard....
  13. I've watched two ever - Sword Art Online and Assassination Classroom, in that order. First one was meh, second was pretty good (if not a bit cringey I guess at times). I'd have to agree with Geonovast here I think - depends on which exact series/show. The SAO-Abridged series though, thats also pretty good although not really an original show.
  14. Like.... any of the nonstop flights to Narita Airport in Japan? Those exist you know.... Having gone that direction a number of times, its certainly possible to get a direct flight from someplace like Chicago. Checking quickly yielded this - https://www.travelmath.com/nonstop-flight/from/ORD/to/NRT Considering O'Hare is a pretty big airport I'm sure you can get a flight from Tampa or some other airport near you to O'hare as a connection. My complaint (to keep it somewhat relevant) - school is very much a morning person thing, while I'm semi-nocturnal. Also missing a spiedie recipe.
  15. See, I think living in a colder place is nicer cause the cold makes everything creepy/crawly/insecty quite dead. Complaint - Humdity sucks. Its the worst kind of hot.
  16. Not "Will it kill me and how quickly?"
  17. direct image links and/or bbcode are your friend here. no need for html.see a tiny image for tiny fonts.or just copy the image location. like i did with your gif.
  18. Ok that works for me. Pet the cat for me willya?
  19. Fair enough point . Can you direct me to that auto backup mod?
  20. Played more RSS/RO today. Its quite fun. HOWEVER - after maybe closing the game weirdly, the save is completely bugged out, with all the archived contracts being marked as "failed" and also all money/rep/science significantly lower. Oh and even funner, no reliable saves/backups (though I'll surely be making them from now on....). Then after attempting to fix the problem, whatever contract progression has happened is now erased..... EDIT: - Using the debug menu I basically "recompleted" all the contracts I did (or at least think I did) and cheated myself back into the same position I was in... I hope this doesn't happen again....
  21. No worries. I don't think you're alone in those feelings of "Why try? Someone's already done it better." I myself have had those feelings to some degree or another. I'm happy that you can move on too. I don't think your achievements are worthless - you have still built something few KSP players would even dare try, less so have the patience to actual see it through to the end, and I applaud you for that, if that means any thing.
  22. Dude, what's the SPF (Seconds per frame)? That's a much better metric at these levels! also just needs a spider engine. Somewhere. for funsies.
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