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Everything posted by SteveD80

  1. Before 1.1 I was able to rename ships in the tracking center, hitting the Info button and clicking their name. This no longer seems to work. I now do it by flying and right clicking the pod/probe core and selecting rename. Is there a way to rename from the tracking station? And how can I rename something without a pod/probe core in flight?
  2. I believe it is stock functionality and not remote tech that you are having an issue with. The bandwidth is a part of stock and dictates how long you have to transmit for. When I first encountered this behavior I found the reason I could not transmit was a lack of power. I ended up having to send up a replacement sat with more power. I could not find a mention of bandwidth in a search of remotetech's material.
  3. There was a problem someone had with the \ key being bound to a hidden setting. One solution was to manually edit the config file.
  4. Two feature requests: 1. Allow me to uninstall auto detected mods, or at least recognize when I manually uninstall them. 2. Add a watch/notify option for incompatible mods. There are two that I want whose developers say they are working on 1.1 support. And I'm sure lots of people will appreciate this feature on the next mod breaking update.
  5. I just found out about it and I might. I remember wanting it a month ago, but I don't remember why.
  6. Is there a mod that will let me tweak reaction wheels so they produce less torque? Something like the engine thrust slider.
  7. Feature request: I am running Connect Living Spaces and would like the option to send up a "fuel tank" that has no tanks as a structural piece that allows crew transfer. Is this a reasonable and appealing request?
  8. I have been struggling to build a station around Minmus and have left several modules in orbit. I just launched a large tug that works and have started assembly. The tug has two nervs sticking out the side and until construction is more complete must pull. One of the modules had deployed gigantors. When the tug docked one of the engines pointed at a gigantor, I ignored this. I set up a maneuver node to take the section to the existing station and fired my engines when the time was right and swerved. It took a couple of attempts before I noticed the gigantor and wondered if it was the problem. I retracted it and the burn went off without a hitch. I know this behavior is expected in reality, but is it intended in game?
  9. Is there a mod that will make this the default setting? I almost never want to turn with RCS.
  10. On my first serious career game I built a large station orbiting Minmus. A bug exploded it and when my Kerbals started disappearing from the game I quit that game. I am on a new career game and would like a safety precaution for this scenario. My plan is to add small escape pods to recover my Kerbals if this happens again. When the bug hit some flew out of their compartments and as I was struggling to rearrange the derbies those that had exited were the ones that disappeared and I did not have ready habitation to put them in. Another issue with the bug was that I lost the ability to undock. So I am hoping for a 1.25 separator that allows crew pass through in CLS. If I haven't found one by the time I have all the tech I need for it I will look into making it myself. tl/dr: I would like a 1.25 separator/decoupler that allows crew transfer in Connected Living Space. Does it exist?
  11. Please make the back of the Clamp-O-Tron Sr. more obvious. I have taken off a couple of times with it on backwards. Adding the flange of the Small and tiny ones would work as would simply making the inside of it pink.
  12. I think you're looking for: It adds new text when you run experiments.
  13. After moving the batteries it stopped bouncing around unless I had an SAS target, and even then it was controllable, it just wastes monopropellant. Hopefully a heavy load will fix the SAS targeting issue as that is quite helpful when docking large items that have poor RCS balance. On a future generation I may try @Norcalplanner's suggestion, but I'd rather do that with the stack size core which I haven't unlocked.
  14. Disabling the wheel was the first thing I tried and it did not help. I will try moving the batteries when I have time. And I did make a similar tug without the wheel and it struggled to turn with its loads.
  15. Anyone else use this mod with life support and turn a kerbodyne S3-14400 into a food/water/oxygen supply dump?
  16. On decent through atmosphere you are slowing down to terminal velocity. if you come in sideways there is more time for the atmosphere to eat away at your velocity.
  17. So I built a small RCS powered tug and it is horribly unstable. It is constantly bouncing in flight and I would like to know how to fix it. It is 3 1.25 mono tanks, the probe core that costs 650, 3 retractable solar panels, 2 clamp'o trons, 4 (I think) z-400 batteries, The 1.25 reaction wheel, 8 RCS blocks, the 1.25 storage bay (with the batteries and probe core), and an antenna. The cubic octagonal strut is just for purposes of the craft file. Craft File
  18. Is it possible to prevent click through when my alarm pops on the map screen?
  19. @ShotgunNinja This looks like an awesome mod, and I want to start using it now but I have a few concerns. What will happen to my existing stations and ships in regards to shielding and life support? What will happen to the rescue missions that I currently have?
  20. Did @nightingale modify Contract Pack: Remotetech for this challenge? I got a contract to put a communication network around Dres and accepted it.
  21. Not sure if it's an option, but being able to list my satellites as satellites instead of probes would be nice.
  22. I would love the addition of a satellite craft type in addition to ship, lander, probe, etc...
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