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Astronaut #1

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Everything posted by Astronaut #1

  1. This means the file directory to the textures of said body is incorrect. So you need to go into the configs of the planet body and make sure the location of the textures are the same as what it says in the configs
  2. I am working on a planet pack and I need to re-texture planets. Can anyone explain how to do this
  3. I feel for this before. There are controls to do this. This is not a mod problem just read the KIS instruction manual or read instruction videos. Once you read the guide or watch the videos it will become easy KIS Guide Just scroll down to the part that says User Guide(PDF)
  4. I'm not experienced with this but firstly try uninstalling and reinstalling the mod. You could also try by reinstalling it from a different website as in personal experience uninstalling and reinstalling it from a different site helps.If the mod is on Ckan try installing it from there. This is all I really know about this issue
  5. Planet Staus: A Concept, No ideas or textures. Just Started making, May be a name and texture. First Prototype. May be planet pictures. Pre-Release: I will leave a link to download the planet for peeps to test. I want some feedback if you were to test it. PLS This means the planet is complete and it will be downloadable in a planet pack when it is released. The Planets Helios:A Hot-Jool style planet. it does not have moons yet. Moon 1: A lava moon. May have another small moon orbiting it Moon 2: A less Lava-y Moon. May have a big crack in it Moon 3: A very small red Asteroid moon Moon 4: Another moon may be a small moon or an asteroid one. This planet would have rings Fazo/Faza : An asteroid Moon of Moho Moho may be re-textured A third Kerbin Moon/Probably a asteroid Moon 2 water planets, 1 between Eve and Kerbin and one between Kerbin and Duna Get rid of Ike for 2 smaller duna moons. Sarna: A Gas Giant bewteen Duna and Jool Dres and Vall are moons Keelus: A massive moon that orbits quite far from sarna Will Probably add more moons Jool will have many more Asteroid Moons and will probably. Goal 20 moons. Uarnus: Has a odd ring and many moons orbiting in weird inclinations Nedo : A Planet with a heavy atmosphere which gives it oceans Neiden : A Light Blue gas giant with not as many moons as Jool. Will have many weird and Interesting moons. Armedia: One of a few dwarf planets on the kerbol system outskirts Pluti : Another Dwarf Planet. Erno: A third Dwarf Planet Xi : A Rouge planet that entered the outskirts of the Kerbol System Stars: Sol: This star holds our home system. Alpha Centari Trappist:1 A couple rouge planets. Maybe a random pulsar. A made up 2nd solar system. Contents unknown Click me for a survey about the mod. This are my ideas so far. If you have any ideas or name suggestions pls comment them. I want more things and this is all i got.
  6. Planet Staus: A Concept, No ideas or textures. Just Started making, May be a name and texture. First Prototype. May be planet pictures. Pre-Release: I will leave a link to download the planet for peeps to test. I want some feedback if you were to test it. PLS This means the planet is complete and it will be downloadable in a planet pack when it is released. The Planets A Hot-Jool Planet at about half the orbit of Moho with alot of moons Moon 1: A lava moon. May have another small moon orbiting it Moon 2: A less Lava-y Moon. May have a big crack in it Moon 3: A very small red Asteroid moon Moon 4: Another moon may be a small moon or an asteroid one. This planet would have rings Fazo/Faza : An asteroid Moon of Moho Moho may be re-textured A third Kerbin Moon/Probably a asteroid Moon 2 water planets, 1 between Eve and Kerbin and one between Kerbin and Duna Get rid of Ike for 2 smaller duna moons. Sarna: A Gas Giant bewteen Duna and Jool Dres and Vall are moons Will Probably add more moons Jool will have many more Asteroid Moons and will probably. Goal 20 moons. Uarnus: Has a odd ring and many moons orbiting in weird inclinations Nedo : A Planet with a heavy atmosphere which gives it oceans Neiden : A Light Blue gas giant with not as many moons as Jool. Will have many weird and Interesting moons. Armedia: One of a few dwarf planets on the kerbol system outskirts Pluti : Another Dwarf Planet. Erno: A third Dwarf Planet Xi : A ROuge planet that entered the outskirts of the Kerbol System Stars: Sol: This star holds our home system. Alpha Centari Trappist:1 A couple rouge planets. Maybe a random pulsar. A made up 2nd solar system. Contents unknown This are my ideas so far. If you have any ideas or name suggestions pls comment them. I want more things and this is a ll i got
  7. My Kopernicus Planet is not wanting to load: I found some trouble points in log: [LOG 18:48:04.280] Load(Texture): Galaxy/Planets/Sarna/Color [ERR 18:48:04.283] DDS: File is not a DDS format file! [WRN 18:48:04.283] Texture load error in 'C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Galaxy\Planets\Sarna\Color.dds' NOTE: My color map is in .dds format [LOG 18:48:32.773] [Kopernicus] Bad DDS header. [LOG 18:48:32.774] [Kopernicus] failed to load C:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData//Galaxy/Planets/Sarna/Color.dds These are all the errors kopernicus wentrough in startup log. Here is planetary Config @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = Sarna Orbit { referenceBody = Sun inclination = 5.6 eccentricity = 3 semiMajorAxis = 113549713200 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 color = 0.5,0.1,1,1 } Properties { description = Sarna is the second gas giant of the kerbol system. It has host of about 10 moons and is ''alot better than Jool'', according to Jeb. radius = 7560000 geeASL = 1.4 rotationPeriod = 36000 rotates = true tidallyLocked = false initialRotation = 0 isHomeWorld = false timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000 ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 8 splashedDataValue = 1 flyingLowDataValue = 5 flyingHighDataValue = 5 inSpaceLowDataValue = 7 inSpaceHighDataValue = 5 recoveryValue = 5 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 140000 } } ScaledVersion { type = Atmospheric fadeStart = 0 fadeEnd = 0 Material { // Common scaled space settings texture = /Galaxy/Planets/Sarna/Color.dds shininess = 0.1 specColor = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 // Atmosphere settings rimPower = 2.06 rimBlend = 0.3 // Atmosphere color ramp texture Gradient { 0.0 = 0.094,0.220,0.643,1 0.6 = 0.0549,0.0784,0.141,1 1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0596,1 } } } Atmosphere { // effectively the ambient lighting color for all objects on the ground of this body (provides a slight tint) ambientColor = 0.006,0.187,0.8,1 // // shader.invWaveLength = Color( 1 / r^4, 1 / g^4, 1 / b^4, 0.5); // lightColor = 0.709,0.788,0.543,0 // General atmosphere settings enabled = true oxygen = false altitude = 25000.0 // Atmosphere Pressure // pressure (in atm) = multipler * e ^ -(altitude / (scaleHeight * 1000)) pressureCurve { key = 0 1722.525 -3.68761403636364E-02 -3.68761403636364E-02 key = 13750 1215.4779 -2.89618181818182E-02 -2.89618181818182E-02 key = 27500 926.0747733 -1.70812909090909E-02 -1.70812909090909E-02 key = 41250 745.7422867 -1.22066367272727E-02 -1.22066367272727E-02 key = 55000 590.39232 -1.03885874909091E-02 -1.03885874909091E-02 key = 68750 460.0561533 -8.63595672727273E-03 -8.63595672727273E-03 key = 82500 352.9034533 -7.05044647272727E-03 -7.05044647272727E-03 key = 96250 266.1688867 -5.6660456E-03 -5.6660456E-03 key = 110000 197.0872333 -4.48274916363636E-03 -4.48274916363636E-03 key = 123750 142.8932733 -3.50056581818182E-03 -3.50056581818182E-03 key = 137500 100.8216733 -2.71949803636364E-03 -2.71949803636364E-03 key = 151250 68.1071 -2.13953963636364E-03 -2.13953963636364E-03 key = 165000 41.98433333 -1.65774109090909E-03 -1.65774109090909E-03 key = 178750 22.51922 -1.00126501090909E-03 -1.00126501090909E-03 key = 192500 14.44954667 -4.06759432727273E-04 -4.06759432727273E-04 key = 206250 11.33333333 -2.27824727272727E-04 -2.27824727272727E-04 key = 220000 8.184366667 -2.25669374545455E-04 -2.25669374545455E-04 key = 233750 5.127426667 -2.06283192727273E-04 -2.06283192727273E-04 key = 247500 2.51158 -1.61502101818182E-04 -1.61502101818182E-04 key = 261250 0.68612 -9.13301818181818E-05 -9.13301818181818E-05 key = 275000 0 -4.98996363636364E-05 -4.98996363636364E-05 } // temperature Curve temperatureCurve { key = 0 141.67 -0.002333333455 -0.002333333455 key = 33000 104.4583677 -0.0003304941091 -0.0003294753455 key = 57750 104.4583677 0.0003294753455 0.0003294753455 key = 85250 131.0381051 0.0001800779636 0.0001800779636 key = 154000 131.0381051 -0.0002483375636 -0.0002483375636 key = 220000 90.44359713 -0.0003304941091 -0.0003304941091 key = 247500 90.44359713 0.0001722816364 0.0001722816364 key = 275000 111.2241191 0.0002525833091 0.0002525833091 key = 343750 0 -0.0001634942182 -0.0001634942182 } } } } Does anyone know how to fix this.....
  8. ok i have 2 planets that have the prolbom of no textures. this is the first one. (the textures for both planets are in the Tetxures folder in Kopernicus folder fyi.) If you know how to fix these codes to make the planets have color pls let me know. either way thx (Pls know kittipoia tech does not work for me)
  9. My game does not want to make screenshots work. I will release the screenshots when im able to get them.
  10. im sry. ill never do it again but the problem was when i made custom planets they appeared white and without textures. So if you know how to fix that pleas let me know.
  11. I have the planets but there are no moons (excluding Eloo). I RLY NEED HELP SO I CAN ALSO FIX IT ON MY MOD IN DEVELOPMENT PLS HELP. sry for caps
  12. Mr Wetpunga i have school and when im back ill post a picture of one of the planets

  13. im begining to work on a few mods. One is going to add planets to the ksp solar system, a part pack, and lastly a flag expansion pack. I want some suggestions. I would like that and also. If you know why sometimes when adding planets to ksp they are white and if so do you know how to fix that. PLEASE LET ME KNOW. But here is a overview of my planed mods. (Soon to have screenshots and possibly videos). Mr.Ciphers Planet Pack Okay first off, i named it because Bill Cipher is my curse account username. It is 0% compatible with OPM. I want to add at least 6 or 7 planets and maybe 10 moons but i need a lil help from the people on these forums to fix the texture issue and help with moon codes. I already have 2 planets made. ************ Parts Pack i put those things that look like snowflakes means that you can post a name in the comments and the one i like the most will replace the snowflakes. Ill add a few fuel tanks and multiple engines and a couple other things. Country flags flag pack Well the name pretty much says everything. My goal is to add most of the worlds flags so you can pretend to be almost any countries space program *this also includes north korea so you can pretend to be the world most hated leader and stuff. Hope you enjoy... That is all i came up with so far. But please suggest stuff.
  14. nevermind about my comment above. but for some reason my planet is white. the code is above any1 know how to fix it
  15. this is the code. i made @Kopernicus { Body { name = Monzol flightGlobalsIndex = 1001 Template { name = Tylo } Properties { radius = 56400 geeASL = 0.6 mass = 3.2332635e+22 description = Monzol. This planet has inspired scientists for many many years. It's surface may have vasy areas made of emralds and lapis. More research is needed. ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 100 splashedDataValue = 0 flyingLowDataValue = 50 flyingHighDataValue = 45 inSpaceLowDataValue = 40 inSpaceHighDataValue = 30 recoveryValue = 5 } } Orbit { referenceBody = Sun inclination = 0.1 eccentricity = 1.01 semiMajorAxis = 543993611204 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 color = 0,1,0,1 } ScaledVersion { Material { texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Monzol_color normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Monzol_normal } } } } i cant find whats wrong with it. (also can someone tell me how to delete Outer Planets Mod)
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