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Everything posted by OrangeMarauder

  1. @CobaltWolf Just tested that dev version and everything looks good. The only things that I was confused by was the apparent lack of 'chute for the capsule (maybe I missed it, or maybe there isn't one), the lack of an IVA for Gemini (yes, I know its a WIP but would Beale let you use the IVA from the 2.5 m Gemini in Tantares? Because that one is really good), and the lack of a retro pack. I know that there are probably great explanations for all of these, but these are just my observations PS Loving all of the revamped parts, especially Atlas.
  2. Yay! Gemini 8 here I come. Also, is are there any Surveyor parts in BDB? Trying to do the US half of the space race.
  3. http://imgur.com/u5xtxCjMade Objekt D / Sputnik 3 with BDB parts. Launched by @Beale 's R-7. Seriously loving this mod. I would show an image but when ever I paste it it doesnt appear. This Imgur link is my the best I can do so far. Thanks @CobaltWolf!
  4. This mod looks awesome. CobaltWolf sent me, and I am not disappointed!
  5. @CobaltWolf I have downloaded and used this mod since it was first released but I was never able to use the forum due to *ahem* reasons. But I have finally got a profile and I would just like to thank you and everyone who has made this mod a thing. It is my most essential mod and with the cooperation with Tantares this is just going to get better and better. Thank you! PS: Will that user manual continue to be updated? Because I am on holiday and with my limited WiFi a printed version of the manual has saved me loads of time remembering how to assemble each rocket, so it would be great if this continued to be a thing.
  6. Wow Beale, this looks fantastic!. Its nice that it fits with the Bluedog Design Bureau parts. Just a quick question, are you and Cobalt Wolf going to work together on more stuff? Because with the BDB doing the American / French parts and Tantares doing Russian / Some European parts this could make the game so much better.
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