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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Ultimate Steve - July-September 1953 (Cycle 11) @qzgy shall present his news...
  2. There is a small chance they want to do multiple tests. If you're going to be flying people, better safe than sorry. I'm not sure how many of these were pad aborts, but Apollo iirc had over half a dozen abort tests.
  3. Yeah, maximum altitude is 8,000ft, which is not very high at all. I wonder... Maybe a pad abort test? New version of NS testing? I swear, if it's NG already...
  4. [snip] His website url links to a homework doing page where you can pay for someone else to do your homework... Odd.
  5. At that point it probably wouldn't be worth it because they would be phasing out F9 anyway... And the years of radiation wouldn't be good for the stage. Plus, many of the stages would be in elliptical orbits, and might be tumbling due to lack of control. rendezvous/docking with an uncontrollable and potentially spinning object is pretty difficult. I've also heard that S2 is "only" worth about 15 million dollars. BFR flights could be worth it once the price goes down, but by the time the price goes down F9 will have been phased out.
  6. ...And it's becoming out of date in the right direction for the most part, too! Most of the time the changes are negative, but not now!
  7. Yes. While we are at it, 0.625m atmospheric SRB's would be good as well.
  8. Okay, so... Prom is tomorrow. I realize this is probably the wrong place to ask, but, any tips/advice?
  9. Agreed. The whole "BFR everywhere" thing is getting a bit too far, although some mentions are necessary given that their potential uses overlap quite a bit, so at least some discussion is bound to happen. Not that I'm not a fan of the idea behind BFR.
  10. Without pinging people, here are a bunch of potential accounts: Elon, Elon Kerman Jr, Elon Musk, Elon's Musk, ElonMusk, Elonmuskrat, ElonMusksFinancialAdvisor, ElonsMusk, Falcon 9, Falcon H, Falcon_1e, SpaceX, spacex_falconhevy, spacex34, SpaceX666666, SpaceXPotatoGuineaPig, SpaceXray, SpaceXRules, StarMan, starman001, Starman10, Starman245, starman338, Starman4308, Starman78, Starman8000, StarmanGhost, BFRenthusiast.
  11. I'm starting to think that Elon announced this just to copy any proposals the KSP forum came up with...
  12. Ultimate Steve - April-June 1953 (Cycle 10) @qzgy, show me what you've got!
  13. I'm noticing a lot more speech issues than usual, hmm... T-2.5 minutes!
  14. Seeing as the NSF thread has next to no info, the fact that this is a more secretive payload than usual, and the fact that launch is in 30 seconds, if there is one I don't think I'll be able to see it.
  15. I wish I could do that! Two (I think, there may be more) of the churches in my town have organs, although I doubt they would let me use them. One of them is a hundred years old and I'm not as familiar with the people and the other church.
  16. We already didn't have to have parachutes due to the fact that the terminal velocity of a Kerbal is not sufficient to kill him/her if he/she falls into water.
  17. If he does not possess enough money for retirement, the other players must continually draw cards. The player who first draws three elixir of life cards must rob a bank to fund the player's retirement.
  18. Whoever is dealt the death card that falls closest to their actual death day gets a free coffin at the other players' expense. If the birthday card falls on the player's birthday, the player...
  19. Can confirm, HE does weird things with orbits and terrain loading.
  20. ...And that's if they miss the lower end of their reuse goals by a factor of ten!
  21. Yes, FH can do it, but I'm curious as to if F9 could... As for BFS, maybe aerocapture, gravity assists from moons, and landing some place you can refuel? The aerocapture would probably be too intense, though.
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