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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Yay, my county is under a tornado warning...
  2. 4,321 Rep... The last countdown I'll ever get, unless I somehow manage 54,321 rep (nah).

    So this is it... The Final Countdown...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. qzgy


      Never say never :P



    3. Ultimate Steve

      Ultimate Steve

      With 2009 posts... That implies that every post is liked 27 times.

      So there are 134 people online right now, let's say we get 500 visitors per day. If all 500 people used all of their daily likes on my posts, that would net 12,500 likes per day. So, I could get to 54,000 in just under five days. After day seven, I would surpass the "Jebediah Kerman" accounts created by SQUAD staff.



    4. StupidAndy


      the final, final countdown then

  3. Or just make one. ╱╱┏╮╱╱┃┃▉━╯┗━╮▉┈┈┈┈┃▉╮┈┈┈┃╱╰━━━╯
  4. That picture was taken at orbital velocity. Granted, this is Gilly, you could almost run to orbital velocity... Better not extend the radiators! This one was taken closer, but at only 95% of orbital velocity:
  5. Okay, nevermind, I fixed it! The problem was that the default EVE clouds and the SVE clouds were both trying to display at once. I removed most of the default configs, and now it's fine! Not as aesthetically pleasing from above, but way more playable now!
  6. I have EVE, Distant Object Enhancement, Scatterer, Smokescreen, and SVE (among others but those are the only visual mods that should be causing a problem) on a 1.3.1 install. I am having two problems - upon descent to Eve, if I move the camera around too much, the game will freeze unrecoverabley and I will have to reload the game to continue. As in I'll try to land one thing four times and it will be successful once. I can sort of live with it, but I have at least 4 more craft to land on Eve, so it will get annoying. The second problem is this: This is daytime, as bright as it gets. I get that Eve has a lot of clouds and it will be realistically super dark, but this is severely affecting visibility, especially since I'm going to be bringing down a rocket plane which will have to take off and land multiple times. So, does anyone know of a way to turn off EVE/SVE clouds temporarily without uninstalling the mod? Or does anyone know how to fix the crashing? Or the darkness? Logs and stuff are available on request, I don't really do this often, so I'm still a bit clueless as to what is needed to properly diagnose the issue.
  7. The above was a joke. And I realize your post was a joke. However there is probably at least a few dozen people out there who have tried it...
  8. This would have been useful if: a. One of my crushes was a meme lover b. I was a Junior/Senior and could actually be the one to do the asking c. Prom wasn't 2 weeks ago
  9. Oh my, I just realized - along with Diner, Mating, and Barely, I've got a Suner and an Urlie on the same ship... As in, Sooner and Early. This Moho mission is bound to be interesting, especially since I'm running low on fuel already.
  10. If we're talking Dragon V1, the only life support onboard is just pressurized oxygen/nitrogen, no CO2 scrubbers or anything else, just pressure. So you couldn't live very long onboard, because CO2 would build up, but for mice it doesn't happen fast and they will be alive for their journey to the ISS.
  11. Last visited - 7 hours ago. And trust me, I know, the general rule when it comes to writing is delays. And we're all space geeks, we should be used to them, right? *dies inside(
  12. This can be tricky, however. In my experience, unless I land it right next to the launch pad, or use an SSTO (which is a valid concept), the distance penalty plus the extra cost of the chutes and airbrakes (they are really expensive) often outweighs the benefit of recovering parts, and adds playing time. A set of four airbrakes, a 1.25m probe core, 4 large landing legs, a 1.25m battery, a service bay, 4 vernor engines, and 4 radial parachutes costs 15390 funds. A mainsail with 2 rockomax tanks costs 24,500, so the recovery parts really jack up the cost. It will be worth it if you can get it close enough, though. The problem is getting it close enough.
  13. I feel your pain! In my mission report, Project Intrepid, I have at least ten different things going on. Some of the ships in there are a year old and haven't done anything yet!
  14. I really hope they decide to undersell like this and not recoup investment costs. They could, given their financial record, but businesses don't usually work like that. If the price is somehow below 15k, I'd seriously try to save up for a ticket. I know it's foolish, seeing as I need to pay for college, a car, and other medium-term future stuff... The question is, would they accept non-adult passengers?
  15. I'm pretty sure the retrorockets are pressurized gas and not solids, but I'm not 100% sure. EDIT: 2000th post!
  16. Yes, although it was less than seconds. It looked like a really hard touchdown, but all the dust was just thrown up by the retrorockets (which IIRC is a pressurized gas system). I wonder how long it will take before they reveal the ticket prices...
  17. Also, have they said anything interesting on the stream? I just got here, wondering.
  18. Any reason for this last hold? I just tuned back in.
  19. New ones with weird names? Well, I just got a Barely Kerman. And the thing is, Diner, Mating, and Barely are going to be all on the same ship...
  20. I pretty much have no idea, I think it was a combination of vessel mover and HyperEdit to grab a random craft from the SPH that looked somewhat like a dock... And then they just fell off!
  21. I do not have pictures, but... I was able to get an orbital rocket that massed below 500kg in RO/RSS due to the fact that if you resize the procedural SRB and don't touch anything else, it retains its delta-v and mass ratio, which may be thought of as a bit of an exploit, since I can make it minimum size and still have 5km/s of Delta-V. However, most of the first stage was focused on getting out of the thick atmosphere, so if you allow air launch, I got one rocket below 100kg to orbit Earth.
  22. Chapter 42 - The Invasion of Tylo An important note. Due to a glitch, stuff jumps up in the air after loading or stopping time warp, which is especially noticeable on Gilly, and as I have to be focused on the Eve Ascent Vehicle while it is mining, and there is so much else going on, I'd have to re-land the ship a dozen or more times to have it continually mining between events. As such, I have reluctantly decided to put it in a low Gilly orbit for the meantime and cheat in the fuel later in the story. If you need additional justification, the ITV-020 is also going to land on Gilly soon, and given that its mission is to build (CLASSIFIED until the near future) on Gilly and built a huge base on Minmus, manually refueling the ascent vehicle should be no problem. I hope you enjoyed, more coming soon-ish!
  23. Umm.... I just got a "Diner Kerman." ...And a "Mating Kerman"
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