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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. So Bezos, with 130B, should be able to do it, because: We know more today BO can most likely do it for cheaper than NASA because it's a private company The vehicles will be reusable
  2. To add to that, how many bodies are there total? And what's your RAM usage? FPS? DETAILS!!!
  3. A place named after the first President of the United States of America currently makes doggo drugs.
  4. Error ID-10-T - replace user.
  5. I saw "Destination Moon" today, made in 1950, and I was expecting it to be really bad and inaccurate, but it was surprisingly good for being made in 1950.
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! RIP Alan Bean. There's only four left now.
  7. This is about a year overdue... But, finally, it happened...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Minmus Derp

      The Minmus Derp

      I don’t even see an account settings button. Where is it?

    3. Ultimate Steve

      Ultimate Steve

      In the top right, there should be your name and a little white arrow to the right of it, click there and there will be a dropdown menu with the options "Content," "Profile," "Settings," "Manage Followed Content," "Account settings," "Ignored users," and "Sign out." Choose "Account Settings."

    4. The Minmus Derp
  8. As already mentioned, the English is somewhat lacking. However, you're doing great, you can do English waaaaaay better than I can do Spanish. No hablo mucho Español. I've been told that English is very challenging to learn, and you're doing very well so far. Now those are some nice looking ships! A piece of advice - don't put every single part in the first post, put them in comments. Back during the early days of one of my mission reports, I put the first 6 parts in the OP and every time I needed to edit it (thread title and stuff) it took a minute or two to stop lagging.
  9. You are known for being a hard one. And also for having that familiar avatar that is probably used by multiple users.
  10. Error 2013: Nerco detected. Error 2018: Falcon Heavy central core could not be found. Please try filling the TEA/TEB tanks in the future. Error 2020: Humans not found on Mars. Please try again. Error 2022: Humans not found on Mars. Please try again. Error 2024: Humans not found on Mars. Please try again. Error 2026: Humans not found on Mars. Please try again. Error 2029: Humans found on Mars - Critical error. Emotional overload. Restarting emotions... Please wait...
  11. I think if the forum added a Delta or Delta-V emoji it would be more practical for a lot of us.
  12. He may be referring to the fact that one of the benefits of 0g is that you can use every surface for something, including the ceiling.
  13. Arguably SLS, seeing as they change it's ultimate goal every few months.
  14. Waterproof, reusable, and space capable while originally being designed for only one? Difficult, but not impossible.
  15. Personally, I use Windows 10, not by choice, though. Because that's what the computer I was given for Christmas came with. I'm not really complaining, it's a good OS, but I seem to be getting a BSOD every few days on average. It's probably not OS related, but it's annoying, I'll have to fix that soon. Another gripe is that on Edge, there's a button at the top of the screen that hides all of your tabs, and it's really easy to click accidentally... I think I lost something I was writing once due to that darned button! EDIT: And the background programs - 25% of my 8GB RAM is being used at any given time. I need to get another RAM stick.
  16. We know this - BFR is 9m, the smallest pressurized ISS component (Pirs) is 2.55m, and the largest (Leonardo) is 4.57m. Image for scale:
  17. The original story mode was written by NovaSilisko a long time ago, and at least one time when the full summary of the story was posted he replied with "please, just let this die." So I won't post it, but it would have involved more SSTV signals, with orbital parameters of a hidden ice planet, with a dead civilization on it. You might also unlock warp drive by visiting it. As far as the ingame storyline, I feel like if it was done well it would be amazing. However, big if... One of the game's appeals to me is that almost nothing is defined. There is more user generated canon that is commonly accepted than actual in-game canon, even! This means that each and every user is free to write their own story of how the game should go, and the fact that so many people have written so many stories about how they think it should go without any major arguments is one of this communities greatest appeals to me. Bored? Read a new mission report. It would take forever to get through them all!
  18. Could you ask about: 1) The possibility of multi-day orbital tourist flights apart from the normal Earth to Earth stuff 2) How much the BFR has been stretched 3) Raptor development progress
  19. Okay, so vital parts behind a very strongly insulated box, which is mounted on a tungsten box of the less vital parts which uses 1 or 2 series of liquid ablator/coolant, which will be ejected to the sides of the spacecraft (not the back, that would radiate to heat the vitals). Then, attach the whole thing to a temperature resistant reflective mass of tungsten alloy a hundred meters or more across. Get the thing going fast enough that flyby time will be minimal and "drag" won't be much of an issue, perhaps with an outer planet flyby, and the probe could theoretically touch the photosphere. Okay, that's interesting. Thanks!
  20. Sorry, probably should have clarified - assuming we're going at reasonable velocities, with an apoapsis near Earth's orbit, how low can we get the periapsis and not have the probe melt?
  21. So, for the first time in a while I've had free time, I wasn't super tired, and there wasn't very many clouds, so I went outside with binoculars and a makeshift stand and saw the ISS! I looked for a few minutes and *almost* got to the point where I could see the solar panels distinctly (it will be better if it flies directly over, but that won't happen for another month or so). Then, I notice another moving dot in the sky, about a minute behind the ISS... and after thinking for a few seconds, I realized that it was most likely the Cygnus that launched yesterday!
  22. Using every trick in the book, like high temperature alloys, sunshields, lots of radiators, liquid mirrors (to reflect light, because a normal mirror would melt), vacuum insulation, and anything else, assuming delta-v is not a problem, how close could one conceivably get a probe to a star the size of the sun? Or Kerbol?
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