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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Okay. Are mods that do not affect physics (informational and visual) okay? I can take KJR out of my GameData folder but I don't currently have a hard stock installation, but once I remove KER there are no physics changing mods in there.
  2. Well... The scale of the OP image just got to me, just now noticed the little space shuttle! @Rover6428 Do you mind if I do my attempt in 1.3.1? And would Kerbal Joint Reinforcement be allowed?
  3. As enthusiastic and optimistic as I am about BFR, it is not set in stone and if it is near-future, it's late near future. Once it is flying, NASA will have to be onboard, which will take at least a few more months, probably more, and after they realize the mission is possible they would have to make the new gyros and plan another repair mission starting from that point most likely, given they way they operate. By that time Hubble may very well be dead. Cargo Dragon, however, is a demonstrated vehicle that is currently flying. If they could get a robonaut derivative working with the required precision then I think NASA would want to give this a shot.
  4. Sometimes the aerospace industry is like watching grass grow. Once it's almost grown to the point where it is useful, a lawnmower comes by.
  5. Neither Dragon nor Dragon 2 is equipped for EVA, and Robonaut is currently undergoing repairs, and to my understanding it is not as suited for repair work as a human is. In fact, I don't think any currently operating or near future spacecraft is EVA-rated, although with most of those you could just depressurize the whole thing, so I guess you could do it with a Dragon... ...Actually, you could stick Robonaut in the trunk. That could actually work, providing Robonaut can be equipped to work with tools, and can be equipped to attach himself to the Hubble, this could work. Someone tweet this to Elon!
  6. Hmm... First off, for the return mode, how much of the ship must return? I can't imagine SSTO-ing all the way there and back with that much cargo, so staging would probably be used. I may try this, I have some experience with delivering massive payloads to Laythe, I did a giant 150t ring station in one launch once.
  7. I just realized that my "Mostly stock" install is at something like 40 mods... plz send halp Edit: To be fair, the only part mods are KAS, KIS, KER, BDA, and Pro Props if I remember correctly.
  8. About the one time name change thing, is that a software limitation or just a very enforced rule? And if the moderator changing a name were to get the spelling wrong, would they change it to the correct version?
  9. Throughput is now nearly at the speed of light. Whatever you put in you're never going to see again! I wish to never have to spend time in a boring class, yet still recieve an education sufficient to become an aerospace engineer. Totally not due to the fact that I'm sitting in Calculus right now where the teacher just spent half an hour trying to figure out how to do a problem correctly...
  10. The ocean was too bumpy so they didn't send Mr. Steven out.
  11. Musk and Shotwell die in an accident, and there is nobody good enough to replace them. SpaceX is still successful with the Falcon family but they don't quite hit their price/reusability targets and BFR never materializes.
  12. Hey, y'all! In about an hour there will be a SpaceX launch, in which they attempt a first stage recovery... It will be the first west cost RTLS, as well as the first Block 5 RTLS, and the second flight of this booster.


  13. Thank you both for the kind words! The base module might be permanent, but the crew is definitely not, at least for now. Chapter 6 - The Great Universe Derp
  14. Interesting update! The delta-v to LMO has decreased but the Delta-V to get out of LMO has increased... I think overall it's a net decrease in the Delta-V needed, but not by much... Return vehicles may be practical now with the reduced requirements. Also, I did a mission to Statmun. Most of the surface appears to be rotating faster than orbital velocity, which makes landing very trippy.
  15. Well, I have for the sample return pods. I was vaguely considering using an EVA seat or two instead of the sample container, as that could actually work, but then I remembered I haven't unlocked EVA seats yet! But, Whirligig 0.5 just got released and stuff has been changed... Mesbin is smaller and rotates even faster (every half hour!) and Statmun has doubled in size... I have no idea what these changes will mean for Delta-V requirements, but I'm going to try installing it... Hopefully it won't break active missions! Ch.5 coming soon.
  16. No need to mention me, I'm following the thread. Congrats on the orbit!
  17. Mesbin personified: Alright, I'll check it out! Do you think it will break anything if I have active craft in the current release? Also, if you didn't see my last post, I tested a jet plane on Kerbmun and it did not work, is this intended behavior?
  18. Okay. Thank you. Are jets supposed to work on Kerbmun? In my attempts they have not. Just sent two more things to Kerbmun - can confirm it happens at 1500km, you'll overshoot that if you're in time warp.
  19. /space announcer voice AAANIIIMEEEEEE IIIIINNNN SSSSPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! As far as today goes for me, both Young Eagles (if you're under 18 you can fly in a small plane for free) and the marching band competition (a really big deal) have been cancelled due to weather and both will not be rescheduled.
  20. Nice work on both stuff you've already done and stuff you're working on! Two things. In your mind, what is Kerbmun's atmosphere made of? And if it helps, whenever the root part explodes on the way to Kerbmun it's at about 1495km consistently, which is about the height of the space center. @GregroxMun
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