To your question, I emboldened, Italicized, and then underlined your answer below for you just in case if you were still missing the very visible answer to your question. If you feel this did not adequately satisfy your question, perhaps you could elaborate more as to what specifically about the fact he really cant speak for the "continued" version to really elaborate the difference for you that you didnt understand.
or perhaps maybe reading another persons take on the matter could shed more light on the matter?
I took the liberty of emboldening, Italicizing, and underlining Again as it would seem they are very similar mods that both do similar things. perhaps maybe it is the knowledge that this was being made parallel to infernal robotics - next that would steer you this direction maybe in the hopes of better compatibility and similar coding, or maybe once more details are out about the respective mods you could perhaps make the decision then as it sounds like this author is going to be make some significant changes in the near future.
Either way there is no need to be snarky to someone who was trying to politely answer your questions.