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Everything posted by Muddr

  1. There is a mod called WalkAbout that allows you to spawn a Kerbal outside of the buildings around KSC. Currently with WalkAbout and Snacks installed the Kerbal is spawned with 0/0 snacks. Would it be possible to get a check for that? If the kerbal doesn't have the resource limit set at all give them one. Also, now that snacks are 3 meals per day, do you think 1 snack for eva is still balanced? Looking at the old mod features it had the following: Kerbals on EVA take 1 snack with them. This should be enough for about 2 Kerbin days. Plan accordingly.
  2. @sarbian Would it be possible to have it show the hidden strut that wheels/gears use??
  3. I'll look into this more. I made it as stock as possible, so it copies how porkjet did it, then I have MM replace the stock models with mine.. I'm pretty sure Scenario 2 is what's happening. I have ModuleManager set to load them last which I probably shouldn't have. I'll do some testing and see what I come up with.
  4. Would it be possible to also output the translation and rotation of the parts?
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