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  1. Yeah for the most countries they converted $50 to their currency and move on with it.
  2. Guys, I am very loyal player who played KSP1 for thousand of hours but I was very sad when I saw the price tag on KSP2. Even new AAA titles doesn't come this high price.
  3. Same problem happening to me. KSP Version 1.5.1, Mod Version Edit: I disabled override launch button in KCT settings and using KCT Build button. Its working now.
  4. Good job guys! I am checking github repo everyday and there is always PR's open, people are working hard for this. Please appreciate the people that working on this project.
  5. Is this auto calculates payload or we manually enter?
  6. Cant open this section. RO-RP0 Setup Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2IvVM9OLOG8YnN4MDdTTHRJQ0U
  7. If the game crashed new folder created in your game folder with a timestamp like 2017-06-03_201024 inside that folder 2 text files you need to zip + in your game folder KSP.log file in the end you got 3 text files KSP.log - game folder error.log - game folder / 2017-06-03_201024 output_log - game folder / 2017-06-03_201024 if you zip they will be really small And did you installed manually or through CKAN?
  8. Hey anybody have running 1.2.2 setup RO-RP0 help from private? My game is crashing on startup with RO-RP0 install from this sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1it8cZ_t8J67m4oPOvjzgBxHZvSXsvhNTPhlDVqEGTFY/edit#gid=0 logs : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2IvVM9OLOG8ZnhVbWhaTzRFYWc
  9. Darngggg i uninstalled ksp from steam i was using 1.2.2 previous release option. After uninstalling it downloaded 1.3 sorry for bothering guys
  10. KSP: 1.2.2 Windows 64Bit Problem: Crashing when booting the game Mods: https://gyazo.com/ce3251ebf4eea7f027c9b497f149e02d https://gyazo.com/2ad1205a64da5351baf6043130f146c3 Mod DLLs found: Stock assembly: Assembly-CSharp v0.0.0.0 ModuleManager.2.7.6 v2.7.6.0 SolverEngines v3.0.0.0 / v3.1.0.0 AJE v2.8.0.0 B9_Aerospace_WingStuff v1.0.0.0 CCK v1.2.1.0 RemoteTech v1.8.0.0 / v1.8.6 CC_RemoteTech v1.0.0.0 / v1.22.2 MiniAVC v1.0.3.2 DeadlyReentry v7.5.0.0 EngineGroupController v1.0.0.0 UnityGUIFramework v1.0.0.0 Firespitter v7.3.6354.39102 FShangarExtender v3.4.9.0 KerbalConstructionTime v1.3.0.29 KerbalJointReinforcement v3.3.2.0 Renamer v1.0.6280.36492 ModularFlightIntegrator v1.0.0.0 / v1.2.4.0 Kopernicus.Components v1.0.0.0 Kopernicus.OnDemand v1.0.0.0 Kopernicus.Parser v1.0.0.0 KSCSwitcher v1.0.6238.17503 MagiCore v1.0.0.0 PersistentRotation v1.0.0.0 ProceduralFairings v0.0.3.17 ProceduralParts v1.2.10.0 RCSBuildAid v0.9.1.29305 RealChute v1.4.6328.34742 / v1.4.3.0 RealFuels v0.12.1.298 / v0.12.1.0 TestFlightAPI v1.0.6330.15717 TestFlight v0.4.0.0 TestFlightRF v1.0.6323.299 RealHeat v0.4.4.0 MiniAVC v1.0.3.2 RealismOverhaul v0.12.0.0 RealSolarSystem v0.11.5.0 MiniAVC v1.0.3.2 RetractableLiftingSurface v0.1.4.0 / v1.0.0.0 RP0 v0.51.0.0 RSSTimeFormatter v1.0.6320.24849 SaturatableRW v1.0.0.0 SigmaDimensions v1.0.0.0 SmokeScreen v2.7.4.0 Stock assembly: KSPSteamCtrlr v0.0.1.35 Stock assembly: Steamworks.NET v9.0.0.0 / v9.0.0 MiniAVC v1.0.3.2 ModuleBounce v1.0.0.0 TestFlightContracts v1.0.6330.15718 TestFlightCore v1.0.6330.15718 MiniAVC v1.0.3.2 TransferWindowPlanner v1.6.2.0 Logs: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2IvVM9OLOG8MmlNR3Bsc3VhRkE
  11. I got a bug after trying my first vessel with KRASH simulator it focused empty space and credits to 0. [EXC 13:01:30.641] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object CityLights.LocalCityComponent.OnPreCull () log is full of with these, is this an RSSVE problem? edit: i forgot the log file : https://drive.google.com/a/comu.edu.tr/file/d/0B4nr6t0JsY6EYm91bERkeWhxTW8/view?usp=sharing 2nd edit: i uninstalled RSSVE and EVE and looks okay 3rd edit: still same thing happens when i load up to launchpad
  12. I saw a new spreadsheet than golden spreadsheet i cant find it anymore is anyone can link it for ro-rp0-1.2.2
  13. installed RO from CKAN everything looking okey. Good job to the release team!
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