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  1. @Rover 6428 I have made a $10 donation on your behalf to http://paypal.me/thmsp. I can send you the "receipt" if desired. When you're earning money yourself, please send him another donation and return the favor.
  2. Here's the section in question for the save: MissionParamsFacilities { facilityLevelAdmin = 3 facilityLevelAC = 3 facilityLevelLaunchpad = 3 facilityLevelMC = 3 facilityLevelRD = 2 facilityLevelRunway = 3 facilityLevelSPH = 3 facilityLevelTS = 3 facilityLevelVAB = 3 } It looks like it downgraded RD to 2, but the game is treating it like a perfectly normal 3-level building. Weird stuff.
  3. I just ran into this issue as well. I suspect the reason for the repeated confusion is the CKAN versioning:
  4. Agreed; this does not appear to have any affect beyond the error message. I haven't tried using the old parts, so I have not encountered any issues during normal gameplay, only these warnings during loading.
  5. I have the exact same issue with the exact same log entries. These warnings also show up on the game screen during initial loading.
  6. That's incredibly handy. Learning new things about this game every day Thanks again!
  7. That actually worked! Thank you! By the way, the hotkey on Linux appears to be RShift+F12.
  8. I am unsure what that menu is, but pressing Alt+F12 does not appear to do anything for me. EDIT: Probably my fault. I'm running on Linux and that hotkey may be bound to some system setting. EDIT 2: I do not have that hotkey bound.
  9. Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately, that did not solve the problem
  10. That actually matches what I am finding in my savefile: MissionParamsFacilities { facilityLevelAdmin = 3 facilityLevelAC = 3 facilityLevelLaunchpad = 3 facilityLevelMC = 3 facilityLevelRD = 3 facilityLevelRunway = 3 facilityLevelSPH = 3 facilityLevelTS = 3 facilityLevelVAB = 3 } should I downgrade it to 2 and then attempt to upgrade again?
  11. I am running into an issue that is causing the R&D Building to refuse to apply the final upgrade. This is the only issue I have encountered on my current installation. Here's the starting state. Note the funds and that all other buildings are fully upgraded: Here I am given the option to apply the upgrade: Here I have applied the actual upgrade: Now here's where the weird stuff starts. After applying the upgrade, I try to enter the R&D Building, only to find that I can't actually research any technologies above 500 science cost: Even weirder, should I enter the SPH, VAB, Tracking Station, or launch any craft from the Launchpad or Runway, the building then reverts back to level 2. The funds for the upgrade remain deducted: Here is my install/system info: [LOG 15:14:00.089] ******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (LinuxPlayer) en-us ******* Kerbal Space Program - (LinuxPlayer) en-us OS: Linux 5.0 Ubuntu 19.04 64bit CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz (8) RAM: 32100 GPU: GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2 (8192MB) SM: 50 (OpenGL 4.5.0 NVIDIA 390.116) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGB64, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8, ARGBInt, RGInt, RInt, RGB111110Float, RG32, RGBAUShort, RG16 Here is my modlist as exported from CKAN. I am using the latest available mods from CKAN (I know that has historically been troublesome, but I have just jumped back into KSP after an extended hiatus, and this is a fresh installation): { "kind": "metapackage", "abstract": "A list of modules installed on the Kerbal Space Program KSP instance", "name": "installed-Kerbal Space Program", "license": "unknown", "version": "2019.", "identifier": "installed-Kerbal Space Program", "spec_version": "v1.6", "recommends": [ { "name": "KerbalEngineerRedux" }, { "name": "MechJeb2-dev" }, { "name": "BetterBurnTime" }, { "name": "ContractConfigurator" }, { "name": "PatchManager" }, { "name": "JanitorsCloset" }, { "name": "B9-PWings-Fork" }, { "name": "Achievements" }, { "name": "KSPWheel" }, { "name": "RealChute" }, { "name": "RetractableLiftingSurface" }, { "name": "TriggerAu-Flags" }, { "name": "KerbalKonstructs" }, { "name": "AntaresCygnus" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical-Core" }, { "name": "AnimatedStationScreens" }, { "name": "AsphaltTiles" }, { "name": "AsphaltTilesWelded" }, { "name": "KerbalHacksDroptankWrapper" }, { "name": "KrakenScience" }, { "name": "CommunityTraitIcons" }, { "name": "BDAnimationModules" }, { "name": "CommunityPartsTitles" }, { "name": "SpeedUnitAnnex" }, { "name": "JX2Antenna" }, { "name": "LSPFlags" }, { "name": "ClickThroughBlocker" }, { "name": "SolarScience" }, { "name": "PreciseNode" }, { "name": "RSSDateTimeFormatter" }, { "name": "SpacetuxSA" }, { "name": "RaginCaucasian" }, { "name": "ContractConfigurator-KerbalAcademy" }, { "name": "CrowdSourcedFlags" }, { "name": "CanadianFlags" }, { "name": "DogeCoinFlag" }, { "name": "EntchenFlag" }, { "name": "ModernChineseFlagPack" }, { "name": "ABCORS" }, { "name": "NearFutureProps" }, { "name": "xScienceContinued" }, { "name": "B9PartSwitch" }, { "name": "CommunityTechTree" }, { "name": "ContractConfigurator-CleverSats" }, { "name": "ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch" }, { "name": "NearFutureLaunchVehicles" }, { "name": "NearFutureSpacecraft" }, { "name": "EVAHandrailsPackContinued" }, { "name": "ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation" }, { "name": "CommunityResourcePack" }, { "name": "CommunityCategoryKit" }, { "name": "KerbalAtomics" }, { "name": "NearFutureConstruction" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical" }, { "name": "NearFuturePropulsion" }, { "name": "NearFutureSolar" }, { "name": "CryoTanks" }, { "name": "CryoTanks-Core" }, { "name": "DynamicBatteryStorage" }, { "name": "DeployableEngines" }, { "name": "NearFutureSolar-Core" }, { "name": "KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems" }, { "name": "Kopernicus" }, { "name": "ModularFlightIntegrator" }, { "name": "SCANsat" }, { "name": "Trajectories" }, { "name": "USI-Core" }, { "name": "USI-EXP" }, { "name": "USI-FTT" }, { "name": "Toolbar" }, { "name": "RasterPropMonitor" }, { "name": "FirespitterCore" }, { "name": "USITools" }, { "name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core" }, { "name": "TundraExploration" }, { "name": "TundraTechnologies" }, { "name": "PhotonSailor" }, { "name": "WaypointManager" }, { "name": "SmokeScreen" }, { "name": "SpaceXLegs" }, { "name": "AnimatedDecouplers" }, { "name": "EVAEnhancementsContinued" }, { "name": "EVAParachutes" }, { "name": "Firespitter" }, { "name": "EasyVesselSwitch" }, { "name": "PhysicsRangeExtender" }, { "name": "KAS" }, { "name": "ToolbarController" }, { "name": "FirespitterResourcesConfig" }, { "name": "HideEmptyTechNodes" }, { "name": "KSPInterstellarExtended" }, { "name": "FilterExtensions" }, { "name": "TweakScale" }, { "name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch" }, { "name": "HeatControl" }, { "name": "TexturesUnlimited" }, { "name": "Konstruction" }, { "name": "LithobrakeExplorationTechnologies" }, { "name": "StageRecovery" }, { "name": "CryoEngines" }, { "name": "MagiCore" }, { "name": "DistantObject" }, { "name": "DistantObject-default" }, { "name": "DMagicOrbitalScience" }, { "name": "FerramAerospaceResearchContinued" }, { "name": "KIS" }, { "name": "KerbalAlarmClock" }, { "name": "NearFutureSpacecraft-OrbitalLFOEngines" }, { "name": "SurfaceExperimentPack" }, { "name": "UnmannedBeforeManned" }, { "name": "USI-ART" }, { "name": "ContractsWindowPlus" }, { "name": "KSP-AVC" }, { "name": "CapCom" }, { "name": "ContractRewardModifier" }, { "name": "UniversalStorage2" }, { "name": "BluedogDB" }, { "name": "ProgressParser" }, { "name": "ContractParser" }, { "name": "DMagicScienceAnimate" }, { "name": "Chatterer" }, { "name": "HangerExtenderExtended" }, { "name": "MalemuteRover" }, { "name": "SoundingRockets" }, { "name": "InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core" }, { "name": "ExtrasolarPlanetsBeyondKerbol-stock" }, { "name": "FlexibleDocking" }, { "name": "USI-NuclearRockets" }, { "name": "Scatterer" }, { "name": "FinalFrontier" }, { "name": "Scatterer-sunflare" }, { "name": "Scatterer-config" }, { "name": "FelineUtilityRovers" }, { "name": "ModuleManager" }, { "name": "UKS" }, { "name": "GroundConstruction-Core" }, { "name": "AT-Utils" }, { "name": "ConfigurableContainers-Core" } ] } EDIT: logfile here I am fine editing the savefile to troubleshoot/work around this, but I haven't found any advice specific to manually upgrading buildings. I would appreciate some direction here. Thank you for your help! Please let me know if I can provide any more information.
  12. Same CKAN issue here. After a fresh pull and build, here's my CKAN output: CKAN/_build$ mono ckan.exe (mono:31863): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita", (mono:31863): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "adwaita", 7514 [Threadpool worker] ERROR CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Dependency on GroundConstruction-Core found but it is not listed in the index, or not available for your version of KSP. 7523 [Threadpool worker] WARN CKAN.Repo (null) - Skipping installation of UKS due to relationship error. 17732 [Threadpool worker] ERROR CKAN.RelationshipResolver (null) - Dependency on GroundConstruction-Core found but it is not listed in the index, or not available for your version of KSP. Ignore 'Gtk-WARNING' messages. 7514 and 7523 on CKAN startup. 17732 on attempted update of Ground Construction from 1.1.1 to I get the same error when trying to update any mod that claims it as a dependency. The PR allista submitted to NETKAN appears to have been merged. I do not yet know how to install using the local NETKAN.
  13. I'm happy to help! Unfortunately, it is only a workaround. I have been having a buggy experience as well, but I am going to isolate the issues a bit more before I post anything. I know this is the official line, but I feel the need to point out that the command line option that got my Nvidia system past that hairy beast of an issue was -force-gfx-direct Unfortunately, that was not specifically recommended for nvidia cards in any of the threads I came across here so it was not among the first fixes I attempted. I'm sure @sal_vager has a deeper understanding of what that command line argument actually does, but it might be worth including a sidenote on the official thread for others experiencing the same issue with Nvidia hardware.
  14. Can you post the relevant section of the logs? I wasn't able to find anything relating to this issue that wasn't inside the Unity prefs.
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