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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. I use Oxy-Clean Fairy Repellent and Dust Cleanser to clean off the fairy dust. My clean hill.
  2. It's most likely destructible buildings at this point. To date no mod has done it. - Yep It's a small thing (unless it comes up, it won't have an impact on your gameplay at all). - Doesn't matter until you crash into the buildings The better player you are, the smaller the chance you will even see it. (Otherwise you will see it and will have to deal with its effects.) - Better players don't crash, but if you do crash, you're in trouble. It's something we can do as a perk of adding all the code necessary for the feature that required us to undergo the big art project. Which has got all of our art team chained to their desks. - Models for destroyed buildings
  3. Eh, Danny is hilarious, but not exactly clean from what I've seen...
  4. Whoa, you're right, I just said that in a Wheatley voice and it came out surprisingly accurate. Anyways: Granted, but it breaks space-time and explodes with lots of fireworks forming black hole ninja attack battleship helicopters!!!!111111111oneone111 I wish for graham crackers.
  5. Granted, but... umm... huh. "Wish." I wonder what I could do with that... hmmmm... maybe- nah, not that. Just give me a while! ... No... that won't work. Umm... ummmmmm... YOU DIE, OK, YOU JUST DIE, WISH CORRUPTED. I WISH I DIDN'T SUCK AT CORRUPTING WISHES
  6. Granted, but nothing happens because the only thing you wished for was for your wish to not be a failure. You go into depression because you regret not wishing for anything else. You end up alone and homeless on the street and you die young. I wish to not be sad because of that
  7. Seriously though, we can't get lazy or the whole thread will turn into [insert giant laser nuke universe eater cannon picture here]
  8. Since the camera switches to orbital mode when you reach orbit, it's actually not that hard
  9. Ugh, I can't even scroll at all. Dang laptop touchpad... it supports two-finger scrolling but KSP doesn't.
  10. Yes, this would be helpful. Or maybe just a feature so that when you push a key on the launch pad dialog, it takes you to that letter (in the alphabetical order)?
  11. I burn your flag. My space hill.
  12. You know you've kerballed too much when you see a risky NASA mission and, for a second, think "why don't they just quicksave?"
  13. Umm... my post got moved before I could add a poll to it?
  14. So, apparently, the devs have told us most of the 0.25 plan... except for one thing, the secret feature. We know only the following (tell me if there's anything I forgot): It's "never been attempted by a mod" It's "fun to do over and over again" "Good players probably won't run into it" There's been lots of speculation over what the secret feature could be. Destructible terrain seems to be most popular, but so far nobody's actually made a poll about it... so yeah. What do YOU think the 0.25 secret feature will be? Note: This is not an 0.25 hypetrain, or any form of an 0.25 hype-vehicle. It's just a poll.
  15. I think the "Snacks" life support mod is going in the right direction. It's life support simplified down to one resource that makes sense, and has that cartoon-y Kerbal feel to it. There should be a difficulty slider for life support, though.
  16. The kerbals' holy water, water that has been blessed by the admins?
  17. Eh, I thought it would seem stupid to suggest it when another thread with the same idea was still there (this has been suggested earlier as well)
  18. There also has to be SOMETHING making the ground green...
  19. So Kerbals measure fuel in units of OTEmeal and Doughnuts. I love it.
  20. Yes yes yes. I've wanted to suggest this so many times, I think cameras would be great for probes. Surely SQUAD could make a system that determines how much of a planet is visible, etc?
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