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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. The Next Devnote Tuesday: "It's been a pretty slow day. We had a little meeting, we released 0.25, the coffee machine broke... mostly just small stuff like that."
  2. Diseases provide population control! MuwhhahahahahhHAAHAHHAHAA Ahem- Fact: Neutron stars are so dense that one teaspoon weighs a billion tons!
  3. Media group videos usually mean that the update is almost done. This means we're looking at next/this week. Chances are they'll release in the beginning of the week to give them time to patch bugs. This narrows it down to Monday or Tuesday, maybe Wednesday. As I heard someone else say it, it's probably Tuesday because that gives SQUAD one day of last minute preparation, and the rest of the week to patch post-release bugs.
  4. And how will you nuke it from orbit, when your satellite gets hit by this?
  5. I'm more interested in the stock vessels HarvesteR said he was going to add. What happened to those?
  6. MONDAE = 6 letters update is 0.25 0.25 is 1/4 1/4 of 6 is 1.5 1.5 looks like 15 October 15 is 10 days from today Halfway between today and oct. 15 will be oct. 10 October is month 10 That's 2 tens HALF LIFE 2 CONFIRMED
  7. 7 is way better than 8. Nobody's gonna get away with removing my start menu!
  8. 930: You find a telescope. It works pretty well at this altitude.
  9. Yes. We need this. It's incredibly annoying to have to rig up a whole command pod - attachment - separator system and EVA the kerbal every time you test it. And of course, the crew gets reset every freaking time you revert
  10. 100 pages, yay EDIT: !? Guess not. EDIT2: Never mind! It worked!
  11. Cargo bays and TNT-filled buildings are great, but... the design of the admin building doesn't fit at all. And they just plopped it right in the back of the KSC!
  12. Floor 925: You find some offices... ... umm, with explosives inside! DUNDUNDUNDUNDUN
  13. Nice survey! It's interesting how many people have never deliberately killed a Kerbal, but the people that have usually do it more than once
  14. Wait a second. If you catch something in the cargo bay, like a Kerbal or a small probe, but you don't dock it, what happens when you recover the craft?
  15. I hire a lawyer and sue all of you for "beeing hill taking meenies!!!!!!!!1111111111111oneoneone111". Then I claim a random hill somewhere. My hill.
  16. Except for the fact that this bug is obviously a cheat and using this to get to orbit doesn't really count. At all... unless you're trying on purpose to glitch exploit.
  17. 1) A bomber 2) A bomber that doesn't crash 2 seconds after takeoff 3) A bomber that's more powerful 4) A bomber with cluster bombs 5) A bomber that drops Kerbals 6) Something useful
  18. I build a self-sustaining spaceship, fly it to the outer reaches of the universe, and do nothing. My spaceship.
  19. Floor 914: You find a runway attached to the side of the tower, so that there's an airport. In a skyscraper. 914 stories up. *mind blown*
  20. Most of the buildings make sense, except for the Admin Building. Instead of putting it in one of the existing, empty hexagon areas (there's a perfect one right between the R&D and Astronaut Complex!) they just plopped it in the back like you said. And that pool... it doesn't fit in at all, stands out WAY too much. Also, a parking lot, even though there's no roads leading out of the KSC?
  21. I think he could have destroyed Jool, but he didn't deploy the glitch device in-athmosphere... Come on, Danny! Jool must die!
  22. The HypeSuperluminal Drive is only activated at the very moment of release, when Hype is highest and we break the light barrier.
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