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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. He's been posting about it on his Twitter for a while. It's some sort of "glitch device". Considering that the claw is the glitchiest part in KSP... This is going to be ​awesome!
  2. Yeah, payload missions should really be added into the game. Isn't that what most real space programs do? Xaiier is right though. Pre-built satellites are boring, it could be something like "launch a communications satellite with antennas" or "launch a space station with these three kerbals onboard" (kerbals are supplied by the company). And then once you deploy it, it does into a new category of ships, "Payload Missions" or something. It's tracked with the asteroid tracking system, you can switch to it, but you can't control it?
  3. I thought that since the player is the head administrator, he or she would probably stay in the Admin Building... so, crashing into Admin Building = screen goes dark and you respawn?
  4. But... the old one got through 59 pages and we got derailed at 16? Something tells me Kerbal History 3 will be even shorter.
  5. ... Ok, so we're just going to have the poor Kerbals destroyed and replaced by whatever the KIONICLES are? Ok then...
  6. Considering the long history of this game, there should be at least one scene with previous versions of the space center flashing by.
  7. The door is just for passing small things in and out. When they want to actually put Kerbals in, the entire casing of the command pod swings out, leaving just the frame and the seats. Easy access!
  8. Nah, I kind of like the fact that you can only read plaques with EVA kerbals. It results in this... Wernher Kerman: "Hey, do you remember what we wrote on this flag?" Gene Kerman: "Nope. Call in... the Flag Reading Emergency Squad." *cue dramatic music and epic montage* *rocket launching at night* *low altitude gravity assist* *ship speeding across solar system* *epic suicide burn at the last minute* Here it is. The moment of truth. And the flag message is... "so i made it to eloo cool" Seriously? That's it!? Wow, whoever wrote this was an idiot. "Erm, that was you." Oh right...
  9. Yeah, most of the improvements are small (Spaceplane parts? Cool. Destructible KSC? Sure, why not. Admin Building? Neat) but they really add up.
  10. Haha, nice summary of what most people will be doing in 0.25. Well done
  11. I heard someone (not an admin though) say "Media Release Monday" on the forums. That seems like a good candidate...
  12. I can't wait for the new spaceplane parts. With that and the feature-that-shall-not-be-named, I'm going to build so many bombers
  13. 4715: Nothing has happened for a while... 4716: At the Laythe colony, Glitch Theory is about halfway complete. Kerbals now have devices that are able to reduce the effectiveness of mods and glitches, at least to some extent. Glitch Theory is still classified.
  14. The Street Sweeper Mk2 (yes, the second attempt). It was built to manually clear the KSC of debris. How 2 manually terminate debris: 1) Launch the Street Sweeper 2) Drive to the debris 3) Park directly over the target 4) Decouple a fuel tank (it holds 2) 5) Sepratrons will ignite 6) Fuel tank slams into the debris Mission accomplished! Not exactly pointless, but considering I could just use the Recover button...
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86010-KSP-Community-CubeSat ^^ this one
  16. Yes, this would be cool. I always get disappointed climbing all those stairs and finding... a painted door
  17. I hope the style of the admin building gets improved. It doesn't fit in well... that pool is WAY too light-colored, it looks like a mini golf water hazard. And a parking lot, even though there's no roads leading to the KSC. Logic.
  18. Check the Science Labs forum section, they already have a thread about this, I think
  19. Look on the bright side. When that plane dives down, we'll all feel zero-g!
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