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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. .93.9: New space junk update gives rise to another gamemode, Pirate. You steal other space programs' stuff to gain Funds.
  2. I never realized that was what an SSTV signal sounded like. Dang, that's a spooky noise, especially with the ridiculous distance.
  3. Wait a second. I just realized, maybe with the Upgradable KSC, you can improve your tracking distance and view further and further asteroids!
  4. Oooh, that would be cool. Track an asteroid for a while to find out how much of each resource it has, and then send a refinery probe to it. Maybe if the asteroid has some special resource (like xenon because it sounds cool) you could recover it for a contract and get a bunch of Funds!
  5. Just the fact that multiple moderators have replied to this and none of them have deleted the thread proves how great this forum is. Trust me, compared to some of the other forums out there...
  6. Yes. This would be so helpful. EDIT: Just realized that sounded sarcastic... it's not supposed to be sarcastic
  7. When I crash a plane into the SPH... and the SPH doesn't blow up.
  8. Struts won't save you when the rocket tips over.
  9. I guess once you reach zero reputation, the Kerbal Safety Committee (who knew it existed!?) finally toughens up and shuts down your space program.
  10. All distances and sizes are reduced to half of what they currently are. The aerodynamic model is changed so that you're basically swimming through atmosphere, with the new paddle-boat parts. Regex explodes and takes out everything within a kilometer.
  11. Destroying the telescope-like building in R&D should make a good obstacle course without losing functionality. Don't take my word for it, though...
  12. Aliens are added to KSP, along with a new tab of weapon parts such as Lazors and Nukes. Alien huntin' becomes the primary purpose of the game.
  13. 13-14 km of metal that isn't going anywhere. EDIT: Dang ninjas!
  14. KSP 2: Kerbals go Interstellar ♫ Dundundundundundundundundundun ♫
  15. A new currency, Hype, gets implemented into the game. In the Admin Building, a new department is added: The HypeTrain Regulation Department, managed by Gregrox Kerman. The strategies are: - HypeMart Visit: Trade funds in exchange for Hype. - Hypehattan Project: Trade science for Hype There is also a new tab of parts known as HypeParts. These allow you to collect and burn off Hype
  16. A new building is added where you make funds by shooting down space pirates. Using this feature will disable all physickz and turn space into a 2D ocean.
  17. Resource Mining is implemented. Several new tabs allow Kerbals to use pickaxes and minecarts. A new option is created that makes all textures very low-res.
  18. Since beta has just been announced, let's have some KSP-development-themed forum games. Basically, this is like Kerbal History, but for the development of KSP. Post sarcastic "features" that you want the game to have. And there's no dates (unless you want some). NOTE: This isn't meant to be a serious thread. Obviously, since I posted it in Forum Games. Example: Poster 1: KSP reaches beta and 10000 new developers are hired Poster 2: HypeTrains are added to the stock game, with a whole new category etc. Let's do it!
  19. We already have the Crew Cabin, which fits in pretty well. coughbutitneedsanivapleasecough
  20. RIP Spaceship. ;( By the way, are those blue things ion thrusters?
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