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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. I just went to watch this movie yesterday, and it was awesome. At first I didn't get the ending but the more I think about it, the more blown away I am
  2. The lighter the thread, the lighter the future
  3. :hailprobe: because at KSP, we worship our ancestors!
  4. There's no wobble? Clearly, you're not asparagusin' enough.
  5. Yeah, planes are good for when you want to have some fun flying around, but don't want that whole launch-orbit-transfer-land procedure... I just build new bomber designs
  6. Granted, but you eat the tortilla and then you get food poisoning. I wish for the ability to freeze time!
  7. VAB/SPH: Height/length limits Research center: Costs less to unlock science Hiring complex: Originally I thought "more applicants", but now we have XP Admin building: More strategies/slots open Radar: Moar Potatoroids? Launch pad: Size and weight it can carry, like you said
  8. Looks like it was made by the military, but we have better areas to spend in.
  9. We need to contain the mud! Honestly, I just googled "SCP mud" and this came up... !?
  10. Contain it? No idea how, but we can call...
  11. Good lord. This is... beautiful. Tears were shed... OK, not really. But still, amazing. SUGGESTION: Add a sewer next to the admin trailer! That way we know what the pool actually is!
  12. What could they possibly be shooting at!?
  13. Because ladders are actually highly controversial technology. Older Kerbals say it makes obsolete "the good old way of moving to a higher location: via rockets!"
  14. Michael Bay is named Executive Producer of KSP. The "blast awesomeness" variable is now multiplied by 9999999999999999 for every explosion.
  15. I wonder who will be the first to remake the Endurance?
  16. Definitely payload contracts like the Communication ones you mentioned. Isn't that what most real life space programs do? Contracts like "deploy a satellite with 2 antennas and a power supply" or "deploy a space station and put this Kerbal onboard". Once you get into the right orbit you can "hand it off" to the contract organization, losing control but still being able to track it in a new category.
  17. EDIT: Posted for the wrong image, ignore
  18. They should definitely add rotating parts though. That would be awesome.
  19. When I read the title, I thought this was just a complicated name for cargo bays.
  20. The problem is that an animation during the loading screen would require its OWN loading screen, and then it all just gets ridiculously long. Maybe just some artistic-y styled images that get randomized every once in a while?
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