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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Can you find the hidden message? ( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)( á° Üʖ á°)
  2. This is a historic moment! We were here to witness KSP entering a whole new stage of development!
  3. Release is most likely tomorrow. It's usually on Tuesdays... Media Release just came out... experimentals are in good shape... and they don't have to write devnotes... Think about it, this would give them today to wrap up any bugs and then three days to see how the update is going and to do some patches or publicity. Then a relaxing break over the holidays.
  4. Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmykrakenohmygod This update looks amazing. KXP will add whole new levels of gameplay, Mk3 parts are fantastic, the new contracts will be wonderful, and the buildings will be [insert good adjective here]. One thing I'm SLIGHTLY disappointed about is the style of the buildings, though. The old ones were so incredibly detailed and shiny but these just look gloomy for some reason... Don't get me wrong, I know that the art team has been working really hard, I just hope that the models will be improved at some point. Also, did anyone notice that BUILDINGS HAVE A SELF-DESTRUCT DEMOLISH BUTTON NOW!?
  5. I'm thinking XP is awarded when you encounter an object or when you land on the surface, those sorts of things.
  6. You're all freaking sheep! Obviously, aliens cooperated with the Egyptians to build fake pyramids and then establish the Soviet Union using the electromagnetic God Particle backscatter X-Ray fields produced by the pyramids. This is why tinfoil hats work, they block the commies' propaganda waves from the pyramids! Years later, the Soviet Union declared war on the United States because George Bush built Area 51. However, the United States was allied with the Illuminati, and they were able to use mind control technology to trick everyone into believing they had landed on the moon, including the aliens. The aliens assumed that their moon base had been taken over, so they self-destructed the Soviet Union and went back home. But now, the Obama administration lies to us about what really happened, and they threaten our gun rights! Grab your tinfoil hats! To the bunker!
  7. My action groups usually depend on an advanced technique known as Right-Clicking Every Part.
  8. Really? Awesome! If this is true though... then the problem is, there's no way to bring it back up... Maybe 0.90 will add training features, so we can have a "Kerbal Rehabilitation Program"
  9. Okay, so, earlier I said that we could expect a massive shipment of HypeCoal... scratch that. We just rammed straight through 20 tanks of raw Hype and the back of the train is on fire now. Seriously though, this update is freaking awesome.
  10. We're approaching Squadcast Station. I wonder what will await us there... sounds like we can expect a huge shipment of HypeCoal though. Bring her up to 99% lightspeed! Let's hit beta with a bang!
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