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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. And it has to be height-based, too! Descending into the sun... *cue dramatic final soundtrack*
  2. You don't necessarily have to be a bad user to get negative rep. You might just be really good... too good... Source: XKCD (Of course...)
  3. How come the people causing this don't realize that redirecting us does not make us want to read your dang website!? It'll just make you hated by the entire Internet...
  4. Happening again today and the page redirects so fast that sometimes I can't even see what ad it is at the top. Does anyone know how to stop redirects in Chrome... ? I can't find a good extension.
  5. Happens to me randomly but only on the KSP Forums. Really weird, and yeah, it's always a women's health site.
  6. 216: After Kebola is finished, Crazy Uncle Jeb comes out of his bunker, along with all of his family members. Taking over an old farm (HINT HINT), they begin a plan to evacuate Kerbin should a disaster like this ever happen again. They strap themselves to explosive cans in attempts to clear the atmosphere, but progress is slow.
  7. It's cool, but I'd still prefer if this was stock... nobody seems to like my idea though
  8. I noticed this earlier in the SPH. There, they have a line going straight through a box. Also, the First (maybe 2nd) Tier Admin Building's window looks out into some kind of jungle? I can't find the pictures on my computer
  9. Planet Densities: I like a bit of realism, but I quite honestly couldn't care less about this. Sorry Propulsion Systems: Hey, at least it's not a warp-drive. The Aerodynamics: There it is. This is probably the biggest one, even though I don't have FAR installed, the aero still bugs me. The Kerbals: You monster! How could you speak to our Kerbals in that way!? The Atmospheres: Is this the same as aerodynamics or do you mean re-entry heat, environment damage, etc.? Life Support: While it is a bit weird that we can duct-tape ten chairs to the rocket and have our Kerbals survive a trip to Eeloo, I'm okay with it. KSP is Realistic: *snort* Well, still, at least there's no warp-drives and artificial gravity, I guess. Stay That Way: I agree with this. Come on, guys, the initial versions were just about strapping on boosters and trying to fly as high as you could, and people liked it that way! Realism is good but it shouldn't choke the game.
  10. They also added something about "giving them up for dead" if they are missing, but I'm confused about how the whole missing-killed-respawn system works... c:
  11. I was halfway through the video before I realized what rocket that was. For some reason the only video I ever saw was that one from a distance, this one looks more official though. And it's HD, thanks!
  12. Pretty sure I got a contract to test the RAPIER in orbit once... for a high amount of funds, a bit of rep... and 1,000 science
  13. But the thing is, the current cockpits look ugly... maybe just now that I know what it could be like Seriously though, I can't be the only one with this problem. Like I said in the OP, don't space stations look devoid of life at the moment? Shouldn't there be some sign of civilization in that dark, floating capsule? EDIT: In fact, might as well extend that idea. Perhaps lights should only function if there's someone inside (not turned on by default, I mean it only ALLOWS YOU to turn them on if there's someone inside.)
  14. A taxiing airliner hit the astronaut complex at about 10 m/s... and the cockpit fell off and the game crashed. When I restarted it there was a single cockpit flying out of the solar system. I renamed it "Interstellar Mission" and never spoke of the incident again.
  15. "Oh, this is easy. I've been to so many planets-" and returned safely *selects Duna and nothing else*
  16. You should be able to fly pretty low and still have chutes slow it down. Chutes are ridiculously powerful
  17. Moho could use some lava pits or volcanoes, that would be awesome. Eeloo is pretty cool already because of its distance, some sort of fog would be nice to emphasize the feeling of cold and distance. And Dres? Dres sucks so much that nothing can possibly make it better. [/DresRant]
  18. Kerbin. Laythe is cool but it'll get boring fast, while Kerbin is diverse and covered with life. Now excuse me while I go listen to "Pale Blue Dot" and convince myself I'm right.
  19. 7/10 Abusive to humans, no boosters, but it looks fancy.
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