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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Nice! Is that entire gantry all in one launch?
  2. This! Same thing with the ISS. When it reenters, let's attach some remote cameras to it and get the coolest footage ever.
  3. Definitely just "Kerbal Space Program". Simplicity FTW! Even this post is simple!
  4. Asking the forum users if they think SQUAD should post on the forums. Well, I agree that they should, but we're a bit biased, aren't we?
  5. Scorpion isn't bad in terms of characters and "non-action" scenes, but some of the "action" scenes are ridiculous. That one where the plane can't land because of a software glitch but can STILL HOVER TEN FEET OVER THE RUNWAY just made me go all à ² _à ²Â
  6. Sounds cool. But what about the Mun? You forgot it!? YOU MONSTER! Seriously though, all this sounds pretty dang cool.
  7. It probably means they will calculate in-flight dV, in addition to the Engineer's Report in the VAB
  8. Like Vanamonde said, I think it's just the gigantic wait until 1.0. Once KSP is "fully released" we'll probably see a ton of new interest.
  9. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! My god, that's horrifying and amazing at the same time!
  10. I second this. When I do remember it's there, then refer to Norpo's post
  11. I am going to sue the KSP forums for this. Every time I see the penguin I can't look away for a full hour or so. Note: Yes, it's a joke
  12. Stock them up until you have enough for 100% science-to-funds conversion. I haven't reached late-game yet, but the way I see it, early strategies should focus on getting science. Mid-game to late-game, you should get yourself a ton of funds through contracts and strategies. Once you've got enough funds to sustain your space program forever... I dunno, go for Reputation? Or just blow it all on an "interstellar" mission?
  13. You do know almost all radar devices look like that
  14. Bob, I think. He's the scientist! Jeb usually pilots big exploratory missions, but I like to send the trio together anyways. Bill is the atmospheric plane pilot. Bob is the lovable guy who's just screaming in the background
  15. Soo... you have to be a s00pr n1nja l33t h4x0r to do it? Or can you just be lazy and Google it?
  16. Wat? Kessler Syndrome is terrible in real life, but has almost zero effect in KSP. Real life: Collisions between objects make clouds of debris, until the entire orbit is clogged up and you can't go anywhere KSP: Collisions between objects are insanely rare, and if they do happen, there's no debris cloud. As for lag, objects beyond 2.5 KM do not get the full physics simulation and therefore do not cause lag
  17. Establishing connection... Establishing connection... LOADED STREAM FROM: 29A/Archives/E-72-A/searchlog3 ----------- The following is a log of the aftermath of E-72-A's breach from containment. As I am writing this, blizzards are forming outside. We don't know how many casualties there were and we don't want to know. We took in as many refugees in from the Castle as we could, but space was limited. External power cut off within days. Water supply is down. Communications are nonexistent. Thank god we prepared for this... but the others couldn't have known. Government doesn't even exist anymore. For a few weeks or so, we ignored the threat. E-72-A was hostile but still nothing we hadn't seen before. After search teams found nothing, we assumed it just wanted to leave, and we let it leave. Then it began. Ice coming out of nowhere. Walls of it slamming the facility. Thousands probably died in the swirling masses of snow. They couldn't have known. None of us could have known. We tried to send out search teams, but it was no use. In the end we just called them back and took in as many refugees as we could, and waited. Waited for it to stop. For the blizzards to die down. No source of energy is infinite. There had to be an end to the madness. But there was no end. For weeks we waited. Communications were in-and-out... nearby countries were in chaos. The best scientists at our facility were at a loss to determine where the snow was coming from. It just kept coming, and coming, and coming. Many of them went mad in the end. This file has been encrypted with three layers of our best technology. Only Administration is allowed into the Archives room. We just keep writing these logs in the hopes that somebody will find them, should the worst happen. We have three months of food left. Probably even less with all the refugees we're holding. I've been ordered to keep this a secret, to keep assuring everyone that we've got years and years of supply just waiting... in this world of spiraling chaos, we can't afford to lose any bit of order we have. We can't keep waiting. There will be no help. The only way out of this is to find a way to stop the storm. We've interviewed relatives of the subject and one of them looks promising. She claims she knows where the subject is hiding. She claims she can get in. Make a difference. Stop the blizzards. It's the only way out. I have signed up for Team 19384-C. Five hours after I finish this log, we will depart with a week of food and water supply and the facility's best thermal protection wear. We're going into the storm. We're going to find the subject. We're going to stop the storms. It's the only way out. ----------- END FILE Connection terminated to archives
  18. That's pretty cool! Maybe next time launch into inclined orbits as well and see what that looks like?
  19. I'd say you got insanely lucky with the positioning. Don't change anything about it! Seriously though, that's amazing. Shouldn't it be suffering from a ton of drag with that shape?
  20. It's technically a cheat debug option. Press Alt+F12 to open up the Cheat DEBUG Menu and look through the menus until you find the option for "show biomes in map view" and then check that.
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