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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. +1. This would be pretty useful, and no more jamming the , key during a timewarp.
  2. This. So much this. Once you fill in the tech-tree, which can be done laughably fast with Outsourced R&D, you're just going to be draining science into funding as much as you can. And once you build up reputation (which pretty much goes on in the background and results in "oh look I have max rep, when did that happen") you'll sink that into getting funds as well. Money is really the biggest restraint so far. The others are barely visible once you get to the mid-game (because with the magical magic of Outsourced R&D, you've finished the entire tree by mid-game! Yay!) That's the problem with tech trees. I've seen it happen in other games like Prison Architect, for example. Once you get good at it (as in, you build up a career with lots of backup cash) their "tech tree" is laughably unnoticeable. Everything is unlocked within 10 minutes. Now KSP is having this problem, and it's killing one of the supposed core aspects of the game, science. But of course this was supposed to be a thread about contracts and admin and stuff and I should really shut up
  3. One seat? Interesting, the current Mk2 cockpit has three...
  4. The purpose of life is to make the world a better place *shot down by machine gun fire* But seriously. The purpose of life is to build on what people before you have done, to advance humanity (and life) as a whole. Eventually life will reach the level where we transcend physical existence and find the easter eggs planted by SQUAD- wait, wrong thread
  5. That's awesome! How has nobody reported this before?
  6. I only have Civ V. From the reviews of BE, it sounds like I made a good choice... Any idea how often BNW goes on sale? It looks great, but no way I'm paying 30 bucks for it.
  7. 0.23.5, although I spent a while on the demo so it might have been 0.23.
  8. YES. Ahem- Sorry. Some of these do sound pretty cool, but I don't think SQUAD is going to add new gamemodes... and these feel like a bit too many, don't they?
  9. Using a KSP app while playing KSP... is a sign of this happening to you. Seriously though, sounds interesting. I'll have to look at it, although I don't think I'll use it much.
  10. 33! Haha, Illuminati confirme- *shot down by machine gun fire*
  11. Drill looks awesome. Not so sure about the resource map, though - it's a bit confusing to me. Or am I just stupid?
  12. This update is looking awesome so far. Nice to see SQUAD is listening to us on some of these! (Of course, I never understood it when people hated on SQUAD. Have you seen what other game development teams can be like?)
  13. Cutscenes are a bit too much for every launch. How about just an artistic, styled image displayed during loading scenes? Loading the KSC from main menu shows a sunrise with the flag waving or something Entering the VAB shows Kerbals with clipboards and trucks walking/driving down a hallway toward the building area Launching shows the VAB doors opening and trucks driving out with a tarp-covered rocket just barely visible under the door Reloading an active vessel shows the Tracking Station dishes pointing towards the sky I think it could be pretty cool. Better than the black, empty loading image we have now. EDIT: To clarify, none of these would be animated. They would just be images, but with tons of lens flare!
  14. I certainly hope that they change science in [shamelessselfpromotion]certain ways[/shamelessselfpromotion]. Seriously though, science does need some fixing. Way too much random clicking at the moment.
  15. I mean the telescope would be a late-game part. Basic black-and-white cameras would be unlocked rather early.
  16. Well, it would be a late-game part for one thing, and it would also give reduced science so a follow-up mission would be necessary.
  17. Pretty sure it does work on all white surfaces, the moon dust gel was just used because it was a good "portal conductor"... and because they're Aperture, I guess Honestly, we shouldn't start an argument over a game where you use a little gun to shoot blue energy balls at surfaces and create conveniently human-sized, colored portals on contact. It is a great game though.
  18. But why would they need so many at once? Conspiracy time
  19. What if I keep a piece of plutonium in my phone at all times? I heard it helps you get better reception. This is a good plan.
  20. So close! Auggghhh! Well, sort of. 80 rep points to go! I have no idea how I managed to get this far
  21. That's pretty cool. Dang, I never knew Duna was so small.
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