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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. For god's sake, guys. Am I the only one who actually enjoys April Fools' Day!? INCREASINGLY EMPHASIZED FONT COMPELS YOU
  2. I'm hoping for an Interstellar Honest Trailer. I like the movie, but I also want to see it get mercilessly torn apart!
  3. If there is no evidence of anything from before the Big Bang, I am going to assume that anything could have existed before the Big Bang. Excellent. Now on to phase two. Convince the world: Before the Big Bang, the world was nothing but a bunch of dryer lint.
  4. You just made Regex grumble in his sleep somewhere Just kidding. Don't take that as an insult, Regex
  5. They have the technology to make a rocket float in the middle of the VAB, but they still use rocket engines for exploration
  6. SQUAD is being politically correct by naming the resource "ore". They picked a generic name so they don't offend anyone's religious Space Mining beliefs. True story.
  7. Oh man, Gregrox just reminded me of that glitch. The video is funny, but that's nothing. I had that happen to me on the launch pad, so I repeatedly threw Jeb off the pad. Bending his limbs every time until... - - - Updated - - - And that's not even the end of it. At one point I literally had his arms a good five meters away. Can't find the pic though
  8. Just look up Danny2462's YouTube channel if you want glitches For me, personally, it's the one where a slow-speed collision crashed the game and, upon reload, sent a single cockpit flying out of the solar system.
  9. My first thread asked how often KSP went on sale. I was cheap as heck... just kidding, I had $24 in my Steam Wallet and didn't want to buy any more to get to KSP's $27 But I was still cheap.
  10. Enjoy it. Just DON'T crash an LV-N. Especially not while playing in a crowded area.
  11. Oh my god, this is awesome. Have you tried experimenting with it some more? I'd love to see this process used to give crafts a boost 15 km into the air...
  12. My current theory is that Whackjob is a supercomputer technician. When nobody's looking, he plays KSP on it.
  13. Whaaaaa? Do it, Whackjob. Do it. Take a ballistic missile and shoot for the moon.
  14. That was kind of the joke I wasn't being serious about calling it Explodium.
  15. We all know they should have called it Explodium. Anyways, great summary! Valentina looks great in-game, although slightly insane in that corner picture. I love it.
  16. Near-Extinction event (minor disease, non-global nuke war, etc. wiping out a good portion of humanity but not all of it): Mass panic for several weeks to several months. People mob the grocery stores. People try to hide in bunkers. The government tries to set itself back up, but the government is still run by people. Eventually, people form gangs or tribes, etc. and grow them into what you could probably call the new countries (or at least nations). Leaders are chosen. Some vague, new government is set up. People begin to settle down. Basically, it's the start of civilization again. It seems like it would go slowly, but you have to remember that even if infrastructure has been destroyed, we still have knowledge of technology. As long as there's enough people left, each country would end up with a few electricians, scientists, programmers, farmers, etc. It would be devastating, but it wouldn't take too long to rebuild. And of course, one of the tribe-countries tries to take over the world but is stopped by Resurrected 'Murica with their nukes. The world realizes their mistake, and as in World War Two, diplomacy improves and the Post-Apocalyptic UN is set up. I hope. ----- Extinction event (zombie plague, global thermonuclear war, etc. shredding humanity to pieces and leaving only a dozen survivors): We're dead in this scenario. We're pretty much screwed. With a dozen survivors left and the world irradiated or zombified, you'd better hope you find a bunker full of people at the last moment. Even when the dozen survivors realize they're the only ones and stop killing each other, there's no technology left like in the last scenario. Your chances of having a scientist or engineer in the group is small. The group is probably hiding out somewhere on a desert island where the zombies or the nukes haven't killed them yet, and they're trying to "repopulate the earth". I don't think this will work out. http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=3653 explains this better than my wall of text ever could. People will start going crazy fast. The dozen survivors will end up committing suicide or starving. Here lies humanity, RIP. Nuclear war sucks. ----- Unaffected (last minute asteroid explosion, spy saves humanity from doomsday device, etc. resulting in a scare but no damage): There would be some damage and global panic, but mostly it would get posted online and CNN would discuss it for a month or so. Alright, maybe the asteroid would result in some future asteroid-interception system being built. But mostly CNN. ----- I spent fifteen minutes of my life writing that. Enjoy.
  17. Don't count yourself out. I got here in a year or two by doing... absolutely nothing, as far as I can tell. I guess I'm proof that you don't need to be a space expert or a genius writer to get to the Light-Green Group. You just have to wait them out
  18. Pfft, what are you talking about? We're just more smarterer than the rest of the world. All hail KSP community! We are superior!!! And then we develop ballistic missiles and you know
  19. Oh man, I'm so sorry. I hope the treatments work... we all wish you guys luck, Zeta!
  20. Late at night when I was walking through the woods, I saw a flying saucer landing. Luckily, I was able to snap a picture of the being that emerged...
  21. Wooo! Thanks Upsilon! And yes, Worir, your mustache Kerbal is amazing.
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