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Everything posted by dryer_lint

  1. Am I the only one who thinks this would be better than Squadcast
  2. Pretty sure it's just the staging noise, linked to the UI (literally, whenever you press space)
  3. ... or maybe they just make Xenon the "rare" resource because it sounds cool, and they give it a high cost? Most crafts only use small amounts of it, so purchasing wouldn't be an issue, but you could mine it into empty containers and recover it to get funds. Heck, they could just add a "Gold" resource that can only be mined, and use that.
  4. Yeeeeeeeeeeeee Thanks to Starwhip for my last chunk of rep! But seriously, I have no idea how I got here. EDIT: Although it feels like an achievement... I think I'm the only light-green member with no avatar.
  5. 1) Cameras 2) An "aircraft" vessel classification, with icon 3) Cockpit lights If I can only submit one... then consider them arranged in order of importance, with 1 being most important.
  6. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103791-Add-lighting-to-all-crew-cabins Cough cough wink wink nudge nudge cough cough I agree that the cockpits need lighting. Space stations look so abandoned in the current darkness.
  7. I hate how long it takes to get to orbit! Please make the delay shorter. And add mobile KSP. And give us a slingshot to launch Kerbals at KSC buildings, to defeat the green pigs.
  8. Good, I wasn't the only one wondering what mine will be in about 20 points... "Nikola7007: That guy I've seen a couple times"
  9. Kerbals are still asexual. The female Kerbals are simply... Kerbals with round heads? It's genetic but not gender-linked, I guess? I refuse to give up my viewpoint! Mwuahahahaa!
  10. Kerbin. Wait, don't leave! I'm being serious! I like Kerbin because I'm too lazy to go to other planets I like to fly planes
  11. Yeah, the text could use some work. Too many commas
  12. Canards usually seem to fix control issues... unfortunately, they look ugly. Especially on an airliner.
  13. 1) Filters Yes, please. I NEVER do in-flight contracts, they're just annoying. 2) Sorting/Grouping Sounds good. 3) Permanent Decline Isn't this part of filters? 4) Explore contracts no longer take up 3* spaces. Not sure if I understand what you're trying to say, but it sounds good to me. 5) Remove contracts that cost more than they pay/impossible contracts Yes. Just yes 6) Have contracts more in line with their * requests. I agree- the "prestige" makes zero sense sometimes.
  14. Looks expensive as heck. Last I checked it was thirty bucks? Seems like a cool game, but... I'm cheap...
  15. He shall rest forever in the Kerbal Network... Which is conveniently the most abandoned forum, and will now serve as our spooky graveyard.
  16. It's a known issue. The 1.0 update is supposed to have bigger wing parts on the way, so we'll actually be able to make Mk3 planes! At the moment, I think they're mainly used for shuttles though.
  17. I just got a vivid mental image of the Senate being placed on top of the SLS, and launched.
  18. This. So much this. I mean, I'm all for stopping sexism. Female Kerbals were a good addition but do we really need to start a debate over it? It's just a computer game, after all.
  19. Maybe just have different color spacesuits like people have suggested?
  20. I think it'll be the sort of thing you need to invest into heavily. Good mining equipment will cost a lot and probably be very heavy, but once you get it going it should be a good source of fuel... and funding, if you recover the fuel/resources.
  21. Are we allowed to use Rangers? Because phyzicz.
  22. Driving an old airliner around the KSC... Try to brake, but accidentally hit Astronaut Complex at very slow speed. It still knocks off the cockpit and... game crash. When I reload it the craft is nowhere to be seen. Then I notice a single cockpit zooming out of the solar system at light speed.
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